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A cop not being an asshole.

Rally Pat

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I'm not here to jump on your band wagon of popularity. You can choke on the next cock shoved in your face for all I care. Calling me a dick for understanding he was within his rights and stating he wasn't smooth about his approach, is weak. I'm pretty sure if he was suppose to give more info, the cop would have handled that. The officer was more than accommodating and understood the limits of both side. Great job.


Doesn't mean Jermey should get booted from the Marines.


Just because it is your right to be a dick, doesn't mean you need to exercise that right.

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I'm not here to jump on your band wagon of popularity. You can choke on the next cock shoved in your face for all I care. Calling me a dick for understanding he was within his rights and stating he wasn't smooth about his approach, is weak. I'm pretty sure if he was suppose to give more info, the cop would have handled that. The officer was more than accommodating and understood the limits of both side. Great job.


Doesn't mean Jermey should get booted from the Marines.


Right on bruh, fight the power of being a reasonable person. Everyone is out to get you. Defy the man cuse that what merica is based on. People like you are the reson I'm pro abortion

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Dumb comment. This video has nothing to do with the Corps. The cop asked if he was in, he said yes. That's what kept t on the same level and the cop knew, as did Jermey, that they were both right.


I seem to recall people on here arranging an open carry outing a month or so ago. Everyone was all for it last I read. Jermey does it on his own and exercises other rights and he's a dick? He may not have been smooth, but he's absolutely in his right. Shame on him for being independent. Yeah, we don't want people like that serving to protect our country.


I would certainly hope that as a Corpsman he doesn't have as much of a problem with authority. He clearly enjoys pushing the limits of authority, as evidenced by the fact that he went out of his way to open carry without identification. Is it his right? Yes. Is it a good idea? No. Would I want to fight alongside someone, putting my life in the hands of someone, who makes a statement by seeing how far he can push a LEO's limits within the law, just to see if he can get the guy to screw up for his own entertainment? Fuck no.


Yes, he does need booted from the Marines. In this country we try to recruit the best, not the worst, for our armed services.

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You weren't doing too bad, up to the part of him knowing exactly what the limits are and pushing them and not wanting to fight next to that guy. Difference is, it's no different than the ROE, rules of engagement. See, I need to know the guy next to me knows the ROE and it's exact limits, and that he stay in them. His approach I can work on. every sevice member should know exactly this info and excute their actions within those limitations.

I still see no difference in his open carry, than the several page thread on here talking about having an outting with open carriers. Aren't they dicks too? I mean why do they need to do it? We can only speculate how anyone on this board would handlethe situation. And now given this guys video, anyone would just do it in a way to make their same situation look as though they handled it better. There's no arguement he wasn't forthcoming with providing a lot of information. But, he was within his right. And he and the cop both new their limits. Had one done anything outside those rights, the ROE would have changed.


His actions do not warrant him being booted from service. Think of all the right violation's that would be. And if that were that case, what's the next thing that's ok to take away?


I can at least see your approach to this. I just can't say I agree.

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In CA it is my understanding that it is legal to open carry as long as the firearm is unloaded. I was also under the impression you were required to provided a police officer with your name and address if asked, but were not required to provide ID if you were not operating a motor vehicle.


Jeremy looks like he was trying to start shit IMO.


I think stop and identify laws are different in every state. In Ohio you have to provide valid verbal identification for official police business. I think the cop just knew what Jeremy was trying to do so he just let him go without escalating it.




I'm not sure Cali's requires what you must provide, just that what you do provide is truthful.

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