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?'s For People Who Have Had Their License Suspended For Tickets


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Thanks for the info from everyone I have a continuance now. Not sure how long they will give me though. Like I said before all these tickets are from this year. So I would have to duck them for at least an year not sure if that is possible.


Also, I am not sure if I should take the class now or after court havent gotten a few differnt responses. I am going to call BMV tomorrow and ask.


Does anybody know if I got a license in another state before my court date how this would affect anything? Not like a neighboring state but farther away? I know in the old days states didnt share information unless they were a partnering state etc

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"i swear i was never speeding" lulz. can you honestly sit here and claim that all three tickets involved the officer mistakenly recording your speed?? or mistaking you for another car?? seriously dude?? man up, admit you were speeding, and take your licks
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Well I guess you never drove through some of these little hokey towns/townships in Ohio before you left. Honestly this is the only way the towns make money. Some of the stuff is crazy like they sit right before or after where the speed limit changes where there is a hill etc.


Was I just blowing through there no. Was I working late at night and driving through small towns yes. Maybe with coasting down a hill yes but it wasn't driving crazy (over 10 etc). I doubt I just became an insane driver in one year where I didn't have a ticket for 5 years.


Anyway thanks to everyone for the good advice. To everybody else I hope nothing bad happens to you so you have a hardship where everyone just judges you without knowing everything

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Thanks for the info from everyone I have a continuance now. Not sure how long they will give me though. Like I said before all these tickets are from this year. So I would have to duck them for at least an year not sure if that is possible.


Also, I am not sure if I should take the class now or after court havent gotten a few differnt responses. I am going to call BMV tomorrow and ask.


Does anybody know if I got a license in another state before my court date how this would affect anything? Not like a neighboring state but farther away? I know in the old days states didnt share information unless they were a partnering state etc




Are you kidding? I hope for the sake of humanity that you are.

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Does anybody know if I got a license in another state before my court date how this would affect anything? Not like a neighboring state but farther away? I know in the old days states didnt share information unless they were a partnering state etc


i don't know how i missed this gem.



great idea. let me know how this works out for you. i'm thinking of murdering someone and i was hoping if i did it in a different state (maybe even a few states over, just for safety sake), i should be able to get it off my record, and/or get away with it?? i'm continually amazed at how resilient human beings really are. somehow, the dumbest people survive to propagate the species. either that, or darwin was way off.

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I hope nothing bad happens to you so you have a hardship where everyone just judges you without knowing everything


Nothing here happened "to you" it happened "because of you". I'm sorry but I don't react well to those who deny responsibility and deny being accountable for thier own behaviors and actions. You're not the victim here. Time to recognize that. Big Boy Pants; Wear them.

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