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Sprint Evo vs Evo 3D vs Nexus S vs Photon


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Alright so the time has come, I have an upgrade available from Sprint. Through Best Buy I'm able to get a $130 gift card towards a new phone if I trade in my Evo. So I need some advice on phones.


So. I'm looking at possibly keeping the evo, or going to one of three different phones.


1. Evo 3D- dual 1.2ghz processor speeds are what attracts me, not so much the 3d feature as well as the ability to overclock more so than a regular evo.


2. Nexus S 4g- I like that it's vanilla. Dont like the fact thats it's a samsung though.


3. Motorola Photon 4G- I dont know a whole lot about it. Just running a dual core 1ghz nvidia processor, but havent heard much about it. I think it's a fairly new phone to the market but reviews I've seen are favorable on it. So it peaks me interest.


To upgrade to any phone but the nexus, it's going to cost me basically $100 on top of the gift card I'll get for my evo. I'm just trying to lay out my options and get advice and opinions on these phones as I'd like to get away from the evo just for the heck of it.

Edited by Nickey427
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You're a couple of days late or else you could have gotten the Nexus for free.


I haven't upgraded from my Nexus one to a nexus s because it's not really much of an upgrade, and I'd rather have an HTC phone over a Samsung. The Nexus S feels very plasticy and cheap. Having NFC would be nice but it's not a deal maker/breaker. Having a Nexus phone is nice though bc it is vanilla and you will always get the latest updates first. I'll stick with my N1 until the next nexus phone comes out.


I don't like the size of the Evo, but I'd get an evo, root it, put vanilla on it.

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You're a couple of days late or else you could have gotten the Nexus for free.


I haven't upgraded from my Nexus one to a nexus s because it's not really much of an upgrade, and I'd rather have an HTC phone over a Samsung. The Nexus S feels very plasticy and cheap. Having NFC would be nice but it's not a deal maker/breaker. Having a Nexus phone is nice though bc it is vanilla and you will always get the latest updates first. I'll stick with my N1 until the next nexus phone comes out.


I don't like the size of the Evo, but I'd get an evo, root it, put vanilla on it.


If I were to upgrade to the nexus s i would basically be getting paid to upgrade, as it's $100 at best buy when you upgrade.


But yes, thats the only thing I really dont like about the nexus is that it's a samsung phone and they feel cheap. But it does feel better than the epic does to me.

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depends on what you want to do with it


if you want a Vanilla Android experience, and DON'T want or know how to mod a phone

go with the Nexus. ( i hate Samsung, but this is basically Google's phone)


if you want the slickest/smoothest interface out there, that can do everything you want. go with the EVO 3D

i have had HTC phones since before they were cool. went to a samsung phone last time, and hated how shitty built it was.


i am back on the EVO 3D, and couldn't be happier!

it is the fastest phone out there right now, has root, and quality built.


i wouldn't touch that motorola with a 10 foot pole. the EVO 3D does everything the Photon does, but faster, with a slicker stock interface

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My evo 3d has been great. It's fast as hell...I don't plan to root cause I'm so happy with out of box. The 3d part, meh....it works, yes, but it's dumb. Also, the camera to me sucks. Most photos are dark, even vids.

The new Sense is sweet. I bought it day one and loaded it with apps...ended up exchanging it. As soon as I entered my google stuff, it pulled all the apps I had on the other phone down to the new one. New sense feature...love that! HTC is better than the others to me.

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ive had my evo 4g since the day they came out last year. i love this phone, it works great for everything. only problem ive had is recently my battery life has been SHIT, and my video camera skips while recording now. i'll be upgrading to the 3d soon.
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ive had my evo 4g since the day they came out last year. i love this phone, it works great for everything. only problem ive had is recently my battery life has been SHIT, and my video camera skips while recording now. i'll be upgrading to the 3d soon.


I've had my evo since last october so I'm just debating on whether or not to keep it or get something new.

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First, Love my evo, bought a cheap ebay extended battery and with wifi it last all day with medium use, (some internet, calls, 100 txt, just fine). It does seem to be slowing down though, I think I just need to flash the phone and put it back to stock. (Had it since the month they came out.)


Second: Fuck Samsung phones, I hate to say it, because I would spend all day trying to convince you to buy a Samsung TV or Monitor because they are amazing and have treated me soo well.

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Nevermind on the question about anyone selling an EVO. Now I need to know the good ROMs for this thing. The more stable the better as this is my girlfriend's phone. Also, how do radios work on the EVO compared to the Thunderbolt?
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