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fav childhood toy


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So OK im caught as an adult I'm addicted to my Rubiks cube and have been spending ridiculous amounts of hours trying to solve the damn thing. My parents never got me one when i was younger.

Just curious if anyone else is as big of a nerd as me or what other toy u wanted so desperately as a kid but didn't get.

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I'm guilty of having every toy I wanted as a kid. I loved my cliffhangers electric race track set the most that went up the wall and it glowed in the dark. Oh, and my atari, and Nintendo. SuperSoaker water guns. Man there was so many I was loving life.

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I always wanted a powerwheels, and then as I got older I wanted a go-cart, but my parents would never get me one because they thought they were dangerous. That may explain my obsession with motocycles and dirtbikes now. Not to mention, I bought my kids a powerwheels and a dirt bike.... What you don't get when you are a kid, you want your kids to have I guess.

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G.I. joes and transformers.... still have the joes in a case in my garage, and I still have all my comics from back then too...

I wish I would have kept my GI Joe's. Instead they met their demise to the old Ariens lawnmower. It was a massacre!! Before I turned it into a go kart. Until that was torched in a teenage drunken stooper. Still have all my favorite Hot Wheels though in the garage. Some kids never grow up!:D

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I loved my barbies when I was a kid. I used to build big mansions for them out of boxes and stuff. Oh and my treehouse, playing house with the neighbor girl.

Spent countless hours riding my bike and running around in the woods through all the different areas I imagined.... Oh and my parents were lucky cause I LOVED mowing our lawn, that was just the awesomest thing to me!

Later my dirtbike, for sure.

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VOLTRON lions and action figures FTMFW!!!

I took them everywhere, and was PISSED when I found out that my mom donated them (I was a Jr. in College at the time).

Now I gotta drop 2 C-notes for a new one on eBay:eek:

I had Voltron too and LOVED IT! :cool:

Oh and my parents were lucky cause I LOVED mowing our lawn, that was just the awesomest thing to me!

:plus1: I was the same. Now that I'm older...I hate it. :lol:

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Most of my time as a kid was spent out in the woods screwing around.

same here man. i was alone with my pellet gun most my summers. but i also had my gocart and four wheeler. i also work at a young age too. i guess its the benifits of having a family owned buisness.

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