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Gym trial passes?


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Why do you say that?


Sales are down this month, so you will get the high pressure sales pitch.


If you do not go through with the let me take your information and ID, then meet me back here when you are done. I suggest staying away, they will not let you in without going through that process.

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I went to LFF this past Saturday morning with my 7 day pass. No "sales reps" were in yet. I went in, worked out, and left without talking to anyone. I've gone back in since then, signed in as guest, worked out and left.
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basically I live in Detroit. Pretty much in a nut shell. I just want somewhere to go to work out when i visit columbus. but i dont want to pay monthly when i am in town once a month.


go outside? plenty of work outs you can do for free outside...

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