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Stupid Neighbors


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Perhaps, but there is a leash law. No leash, owners fault, thanks for playing. In terms of kids, parents have a responsibility too. IMO, not being in control of a toddler or young child to the point that they take off in front of a moving car is the parents responsibility or irresponsibility.


I've had encounters with kids on my street too and I'm pretty vocal to the parents to get their damn kids out of the street. It's not a play area. Use their damn back yard. If they choose to let their kids play in a street then they are completely irresponsible and endangering their kids lives. Fuck them for putting me coming home from work in a situation that could result in me killing their child. That pisses me off. Streets are for cars, back yards are for kids. I have two dogs, a fenced yard, always 110% always on a leash if outside my yard. I have two kids that play in the back yard. I pick up the dog shit and they enjoy good times safely. They do play in the front but again 110% do not ever cross the sidewalk. They are ages 5 and 8 and listen well.


Selfish, irresponsible parenting that potentially costs a child's life and puts another innocent driver to live with that for the rest of their lives. Again, not condoning the speed portion, but just the same, I will not condone a parents responsibility or lack there of.


In the case of the dog owner, he's 100% to blame. He's trying to shirk his own responsibility by simply saying that the driver is at fault for his actions. Two separate issues in question. Both are wrong.

Im not saying its the drivers fault. Im saying it could be avoided if the people controlled their speed. And with kids there are plenty of parents that find out their kids have learned how to open the front door the hard way. Balls fly into the street, dogs slip off their leashes... basically shit happens. Not everyone can fore see the future or plan for everything. I would hope people are respecting the fact that its a residential neighborhood. Its why speed limits are slow enough to allow a typical person to react. Not the fault of the driver if someone is in the street (unless there is a sign saying yield to pedestrians), but the speed limit is there to protect against accidents.

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So your neighbors dog being off leash, running loose and getting hit by a car is the driver's fault? :confused:


You're saying it's happened a second time too? Is you're neighbor really that stupid? Really? :dumb:


Sounds like one of most irresponsible dog owners around. IMO he shouldn't be allowed to own a dog. I certainly hope they don't have kids. :megusta:


1. No, I didn't say it was the driver fault. I wasn't there to witness the accident so I can't say anything.


2. He's my neighbor, what's do you expect?


3. I'll pass on the words. And yes he has a boy and a girl.

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Shes going ape shit on the entire neighborhood and calling authorities rather than coming over and talking it out like a respectable adult.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Maybe the OP will sort things out like an adult.


I am gonna check out her property and she better hope her shit is in order. You don't pick a fight with El Presidente.


Wait, nope, he's just going to be a little bitch. It's ok, let's hate the neighbor for being a worthless little cunt who cannot act like an adult. While we're doing that, how about we admit that the OP is a worthless little cunt who cannot act like an adult.

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ITT: A bunch of butt hurt people.


ITT: Whiners, whining about being unable to handle anything that a simple high functioning retard could handle without issue or direction.

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ITT: Whiners, whining about being unable to handle anything that a simple high functioning retard could handle without issue or direction.


I hope you get perma banned you idiot. You obviously have no idea what your talking about and you are not intelligent enough to do anything but TROLL.

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Yeah, that sounds about right. Maybe the OP will sort things out like an adult.




Wait, nope, he's just going to be a little bitch. It's ok, let's hate the neighbor for being a worthless little cunt who cannot act like an adult. While we're doing that, how about we admit that the OP is a worthless little cunt who cannot act like an adult.


How about you go smash your face in to a brick wall over and over again until you cant stand any longer. That would probably be the best thing for your ignorant ass to do.

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I have valid tags, insurance and no mechanical issues that would constitute an abandoned vehicle. It just pisses me off, thats my damned house.


You realize that anything past the sidewalk ISN'T your property, right? Why are you parking in the street anyhow? Just park in your driveway and be done with it. Let the lady bitch all she wants, if you're driving the car to and from work just about every day, what is she going to do? Let them mark your tires, if you're actually driving the car you shouldn't have shit to worry about. I'm going to agree with whoever made the statement about filing for harassment. Maybe if all of your neighbors do it, the authorities will get the picture.

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