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Teens Who Allegedly Put Cellophane On Stop Sign Charged In Fatal Wreck - Circleville

Das Borgen

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I watched the video. The picture of the stop sign covered still looked like a stop sign to me. Part of it was red and you could see the outline of a shape of a stop sign. If anything the woman should of slowed down to investigation it. If she couldn't figure out what it was she shouldn't be driving. The kids did something wrong but so did the driver. They shouldn't go to jail for 5 years that is too excessive. How many times have you heard of one car colliding with another moving car and someone dying? The person at fault isn't always sent to jail.
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You guys should be P.I.'s...you seem to have all the facts.


1 persons death and anothers life threatening injuries were possibly due to the involvment of two teenagers. Unless you have access to police reports and csi sunglasses you don't know shit.

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Bad vision or not, the kids deserve what they get. If they never messed with the stop sign and the old lady ran it anyway, they wouldn't be facing 5 years.


They go out on a country road & cover or mess with a STOP sign and someone wrecks... What did they think was going to happen?

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I watched the video. The picture of the stop sign covered still looked like a stop sign to me. Part of it was red and you could see the outline of a shape of a stop sign. If anything the woman should of slowed down to investigation it. If she couldn't figure out what it was she shouldn't be driving. The kids did something wrong but so did the driver.


I trust you've seen the photo of it showing tons of plastic? May as well have had a blanket over it.


They shouldn't go to jail for 5 years that is too excessive. How many times have you heard of one car colliding with another moving car and someone dying? The person at fault isn't always sent to jail.


5 yrs is light in my booked. Their actions took a life /discussion. They weren't simply involved in an accident. They intentially caused one.

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Mac: But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun!

Thorny: [referring to Farva] Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic.

Foster: [after a pause] Which... makes them not really shenanigans at all.

Mac: [in a silly voice] Evil shenanigans!

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To everyone saying she should have known it was a stop sign, have you ever driven through a construction zone? Have you ever seen signs covered/blocked in various ways. How easy would it be to think "Hey that stop sign is covered, maybe the other direction stops or is not active." Just that split second thought is enough in my book to make it those kids fault. They tampered with a traffic control device. They did not intend to hill someone hence, the manslaughter charge. Had they meant to, it would be murder 1. Sometimes it sucks the way things work out but, every action you take has an effect on those around you and when you take that action, you are responsible for those effects.
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I trust you've seen the photo of it showing tons of plastic? May as well have had a blanket over it.




5 yrs is light in my booked. Their actions took a life /discussion. They weren't simply involved in an accident. They intentially caused one.


it s involuntary manslaughter........I think their sentence is fitting......it's not like they intentionally cause murder..........completely agreed with TJ there

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