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Reoccurring dreams


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There is no sarcasm below in my post.


Is there anyone here that is good at interpreting dreams? I keep having a weird one that should be a "nightmare" but every time it doesn't scare me. It is weird to have a very negative dream that doesn't bother me. I've done the normal google search and looked for dream meanings for parts but I can't put everything into one large interpretation. If someone is real good about it I will provide the details. It will be a long read...

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i have some weird recurring dream about fishing and i catch these weird ass lookin fish with big teeth. so odd. ive been having it for about 2 or 3 yrs.


Seeing fish swimming are random insights in your unconscious. Catching a fish usually means one of these insights has finally surfaced. Have you been trying to figure out something difficult in your life? Maybe you already know the answer...

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to the OP I dunno let me know when you figure it out... I have had one a few times about a perpetrator in my house. I make the decision to pull the trigger in self defense and the gun goes off but doesn't affect him or mildly injures him on the order of a bee sting?
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you will be the best bet to interpret your dreams. Dreams come to the sub conscious by what your thoughts are of before you sleep, and where your thoughts are taken from your last thought through out your sleep.

Generally they have unrelated details that have symbolic meaning, where you have to find out the symbolism and find out what that means to you.

think what does the dream make you feel, what does it make you think about., do those thoughts and feelings make you want to do something in your life?

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to the OP I dunno let me know when you figure it out... I have had one a few times about a perpetrator in my house. I make the decision to pull the trigger in self defense and the gun goes off but doesn't affect him or mildly injures him on the order of a bee sting?


Switch to the chainsaw :fuckyeah:

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I have had one since I was a child. It started out as a peice of string spinning really fast around a spull then it stops and goes the other way but its a huge mechanical thing you would see in a boiler room of a ship. It spins then all of a sudden stops really fast and goes the other way. WEIRD! I have never seen anyone about somthing like this, I just thought it was me being weird!
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I can interpret your dream perfectly ...... much better than you could yourself. Unlocking this mystery will dramatically change your life, unleash your enormous potential, and deliver you to a place of unimaginable inner peace.


It will cost a mere $34,639.24. Your insurance won't cover it. You must pay in full, in advance. PayPal accepted: receivables@doxretirement.com


If you act in the next 20 minutes, you will also receive a free Tarot card reading from Madam Lenora and a set of lifetime-guaranteed ginsu steak knives.


Don't miss this opportunity.

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I can interpret your dream perfectly ...... much better than you could yourself. Unlocking this mystery will dramatically change your life, unleash your enormous potential, and deliver you to a place of unimaginable inner peace.


It will cost a mere $34,639.24. Your insurance won't cover it. You must pay in full, in advance. PayPal accepted: receivables@doxretirement.com


If you act in the next 20 minutes, you will also receive a free Tarot card reading from Madam Lenora and a set of lifetime-guaranteed ginsu steak knives.


Don't miss this opportunity.



Do you offer group rates?



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I can interpret your dream perfectly ...... much better than you could yourself. Unlocking this mystery will dramatically change your life, unleash your enormous potential, and deliver you to a place of unimaginable inner peace.


It will cost a mere $34,639.24. Your insurance won't cover it. You must pay in full, in advance. PayPal accepted: receivables@doxretirement.com


If you act in the next 20 minutes, you will also receive a free Tarot card reading from Madam Lenora and a set of lifetime-guaranteed ginsu steak knives.


Don't miss this opportunity.


Do you offer group rates?





Very interested but I would need to talk some of your referrals before I make a decision. And yes do you offer group rates?

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Sorry, no group rates. As it is, I've priced it very close to cost. Any lower and I'd be losing money. See, it's based on oil prices. Crude has jumped 30% in the last few years.


Of course I can refer you to testimonials from previous clients. For the sake of privacy, of course, I can't give you their names. However, here is a thumbnail sketch of their stories:



This poor, unfortunate foreign guy had a dreamworld populated with small furry animals. But they were evil, not unlike the rabbits in Monty Python's Holy Grail movies. He was terrorized. Utterly a wreck. Then he came to me to interpret his dream for him. I did, and I understand he's gone on to reclaim the happiness he'd lost. He's a monk with some religious group, I'm told. Makes the big bucks, travels a lot.




This poor schmuck repeatedly dreamt that a slug had crawled into his nose and was eating into his brain. He picked his nose constantly, even to the point of bleeding. His last psychiatrist gave him a bicycle helmet to strap on his face to remind him not to pick his nose, but that didn't work. Two sessions with Doc and the mystery of his nightmares was solved. He's never had another. He went on to a career in TV or acting or something. He credits his confidence in dating beautiful women to those two sessions of therapy he had with me.



This patient I'll never forget. He came into my office and announced, "I have a dream!" I told him he ain't no Martin Luther King, just have a seat ..... the session don't start till your credit card confirmation comes back. Ended up, he didn't need dream therapy at all. He had undiagnosed narcolepsy. I put him on some meds so he could stay awake more than 10 minutes at a stretch and now I hear he's gone on to some cushy job as a public official.


So .......... don't think of it as spending 34 large ...... think of it as an investment in your future!

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