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Cancel Sprint contract, no ETF....yet again!!


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Looks like there is another chance for anyone not happy with an evo3d to get out contract...Sprint had stated that they are increasing their administrative fee to $1.50/line. This is considered a change in the terms of service and will allow you 30 days from the date it's put into effect to cancel your contract without penalty. So if you just got a new shiny contract for upgrading to the evo3d this is your way to get out or go month to month.


Tons of people are reporting success in the Slickdeals.net. Maybe this info can help someone here.

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Just to set the right expectation they can credit back the difference through the end of the contract to eliminate the adverse change. If they do let people go then they calculated the amount of lost revenue into that 1.50. Just be aware that they can offer a credit instead of just closing it. That 30 day window ties into all changes but doesnt always mean that ending the contract is a definite. My guess would be they are letting people go but at a certain number they will close the flood gates.
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Just to set the right expectation they can credit back the difference through the end of the contract to eliminate the adverse change. If they do let people go then they calculated the amount of lost revenue into that 1.50. Just be aware that they can offer a credit instead of just closing it. That 30 day window ties into all changes but doesnt always mean that ending the contract is a definite. My guess would be they are letting people go but at a certain number they will close the flood gates.


Yea.. verizion did this jedi jewmaster trick to the fiance when the regulatory fees changed... bastards so she's stuck with a 95$ non data plan fml

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slickdeals link?




LMAO. Got damn! I thought they would have closed that loop hole back in 2008 when we used it.


I thought they would have to. Saved me from that POS Instink. I want to take advantage of this yet again because I think Apple is going to pull a magic trick with this iPhone 5. This is my way to get it while fresh into a new 2 year due to the 3D.


Just to set the right expectation they can credit back the difference through the end of the contract to eliminate the adverse change. If they do let people go then they calculated the amount of lost revenue into that 1.50. Just be aware that they can offer a credit instead of just closing it. That 30 day window ties into all changes but doesnt always mean that ending the contract is a definite. My guess would be they are letting people go but at a certain number they will close the flood gates.


When they raised them back in 2008, I created the same thread on here and me and several others got out scott free.

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I thought they would have to. Saved me from that POS Instink. I want to take advantage of this yet again because I think Apple is going to pull a magic trick with this iPhone 5. This is my way to get it while fresh into a new 2 year due to the 3D.


When they raised them back in 2008, I created the same thread on here and me and several others got out scott free.


Will they let you just opt of the contract and keep Sprint for the same price?

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Will they let you just opt of the contract and keep Sprint for the same price?


Some people are reporting they are able to back on a month to month. Others are saying they are being told cancel for free or nothing at all. Some that are cancelling are porting their number to an ATT GO phone and then porting back to Sprint with their own device which puts them month to month.

I considered that, but my job pays my bill and I don't want to screw with changing acct # several times and messing up the payment arrangement.

I have until 10/9 to call on this. The iPhone 5 is said to debut this month sometime, so hopefully I will know before 10/9 if it's something I want or not.

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