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Keurig coffee makers


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I think a cheap one is probably sub $100


I LOVE mine. I just got the 200 dollar one at BB&B last November. I think it makes better coffee than my old regular coffee maker. Makes decent Iced coffee as well, and I can get instant hot water for tea, cappuccino, ect. I just set it to fire up automatically every morning, and turn off an hour after last use, or an hour after it turns on if nobody uses it. You do need to use filtered / spring water in it. I would recommend a Brita pitcher if you do not have another filtered water source. I have not had to clean mine but once (and it did not even say to at the time)


edit: it is this one


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Several family members have them, as does my girlfriend. None of them have had any issues that I'm aware of, but I do think they all have the nicer/larger units that actually have a water reservoir, rather than having to pour a cup of water through it for each cup.


As far as the K-cup packs, you can get them cheaply at Kohls, Sams Club, or online. No big deal.

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We have one at the dealership that gets used a LOT. Its nice because we don't have to constantly fill a pot for ourselves/customers but it sucks to keep clean and the coffee tastes like its full of extra chemicals. Fresh ground + french press + electric kettle is the best way to go IMO.



edit: this one http://www.keurig.com/brewers/b3000se

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