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To all the trolls out there


Don't remember any of your names cuz you are busy here or pulling other internet bbs's to here instead of having a real life .. But this is a racing site so it's time to put up or shut up


Next year from first day of spring to last day of summer any race, anytime.


I challenge All of these keyboard bad asses that need taught a lesson. I mean this is a racing site with other bits of life tossed in, right!?


Please post date of race or just lock it in for further review



Any flame by a troll will be considered a forefiture.


Cr winter starts early this year

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Get a life man cr will be ok with out you for a day or two really it will.


Now go talk about me with your pals,like this fat ass on cr is so gay...


I just think I'm in your head since you so mad


Ok so he forfeited


Lol I don't even know your name, I got better shit to do than to talk about meat flaps the cr troll slayer. Since you're a troll hunter and all, end yourself.
















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HOLY SHIT.... you now have the best kill story EVER, you beat the fastest stock bottom end 7 bolt in columbus without even leaving the comfort of your keyboard. I like a man who proclaims a win without actually trying. :lolguy:


He would never race me anyway hell I would have brought out my wife's mustang to prove the point

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He would never race me anyway hell I would have brought out my wife's mustang to prove the point


Lettuce discuss your wife's mustang. I'm running a stock Mitsu turbo, intercooler and exhaust on fwd. I know for a fact mustangs are fast because they are rwd. 50 roll, you give me 7 cars. Deal? Lock it in for $20 or you are a overweight washed up pussy.

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Lettuce discuss your wife's mustang. I'm running a stock Mitsu turbo, intercooler and exhaust on fwd. I know for a fact mustangs are fast because they are rwd. 50 roll, you give me 7 cars. Deal? Lock it in for $20 or you are a overweight washed up pussy.



Don't lose your cool boy!



you want me dead? Sure hope never family never gets a taste of the karma you are gonna get.. That just shows your ruffled, as well as your character I mean if I am not in your head why would it matter? I already beat you man, and you know how I know? cuz you want seven cars to race my WIFE'S car... It lonely in your world isn't it

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Don't lose your cool boy!



you want me dead? Sure hope never family never gets a taste of the karma you are gonna get.. That just shows your ruffled, as well as your character I mean if I am not in your head why would it matter? I already beat you man, and you know how I know? cuz you want seven cars to race my WIFE'S car... It lonely in your world isn't it


It took 10 minutes for you to come up with that? Im not mad, i dont care about you. And as far as karma, it seems you don't understand how it works. Google it. Now as far as your wifes car goes, it could be just like Carlyle's wife's car for all I know so yes I'll take all the lengths I can get.

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Making fun of me for not taking a race in the same sentence? Is this first grade?


Do it or you're a pussy... I double dog dare you! Grow up kid you think all mustangs are fast cuz they are rwd. might as well have said its cuz they are red!


The race was your idea don't back out now.

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Don't lose your cool boy!



you want me dead? Sure hope never family never gets a taste of the karma you are gonna get.. That just shows your ruffled, as well as your character I mean if I am not in your head why would it matter? I already beat you man, and you know how I know? cuz you want seven cars to race my WIFE'S car... It lonely in your world isn't it


Making fun of me for not taking a race in the same sentence? Is this first grade?


Do it or you're a pussy... I double dog dare you! Grow up kid you think all mustangs are fast cuz they are rwd. might as well have said its cuz they are red!


And can a mod remove all the triple bullshit in here that the ONE guy is doing? It's like he is performing like a kid flicking his dick at the dinner party


Triple quote because meat flaps is flicking his tiny dick.

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The disrespect and wish for my death you typed..compared to what I typed? I think I'm cool on karma boy.


But actually you must be jerking off to this cuz you finally get to e-battle with someone but I'm done with you, you suck at this it's like talking to a high school kid.


Don't worry I'll prolly forget about you and this thread in an hr but you served your purpose like a good boy

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