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Kiss your family goodbye... your dead now Mother****er!


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Ed Henry of CNN asked the President why he didn't spew outrage as soon as he learned about the AIG bonuses. Why, Mr. Henry asked, did the president wait several days before speaking out? The president, with an icy stare, responded that he "likes to know what he's talking about" before he speaks. It was a pretty testy exchange that brought about nervous laughter from the other reporters and snarky responses from Twitterers. Boom! Next question.

You don't ask Obama questions he doesn't want to hear dumb ass! Hope it was worth it...

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Joe the plumber asked Obama a question he didn't like, and they tried to "kill" his business. Just imagine what will happen now that he has been elected and controls the goons in black masks. ;)

I don't think that anyone tried to "kill" his business. If I remember correctly, it came out that he didn't have a license, and didn't pay his taxes... That is unless I got my information messed up somehow.

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I don't think that anyone tried to "kill" his business. If I remember correctly, it came out that he didn't have a license, and didn't pay his taxes... That is unless I got my information messed up somehow.

Which they found out by ILLEGALLY using State resources. (What ever happened to that criminal case?) An Election campain attacked a private citizen and did their best to destroy him.

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Could be my own naivite, but I'm having a hard time seeing how a government official inquiring about a person's tax records is an illegal procedure (less of course, there was some sort of foul play, bribery, strongarming, etc. afoot).

As far as it coming out that he didn't have a license, that came out by interviewing a leader of the plumber's union.

If I were running for office, and my opponent was able to successfully turn an ordinary individual into an instrumental component in his debates against me, I'd probably want to know everything that I could about that individual as well.

In my honest opinion, it wasn't Obama that tried to kill his business... I wouldn't even say that it was McCain (even though it was his campaign that prolonged Joe's 15min. of fame)... At the end of the day, the media was paramount in making Joe a household name, and poor Joe didn't have his house in order.

However, the initial thread was about Pres. Obama staring down a reporter, prior to giving his response (which was heavily lauded as cold and unfriendly)... The man has publicly made a few mistakes recently, however I'm not quite ready to assemble an impeachment committe;)

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