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Kiss your family goodbye... your dead now Mother****er!


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Could be my own naivite, but I'm having a hard time seeing how a government official inquiring about a person's tax records is an illegal procedure (less of course, there was some sort of foul play, bribery, strongarming, etc. afoot).

As far as it coming out that he didn't have a license, that came out by interviewing a leader of the plumber's union.

If I were running for office, and my opponent was able to successfully turn an ordinary individual into an instrumental component in his debates against me, I'd probably want to know everything that I could about that individual as well.

In my honest opinion, it wasn't Obama that tried to kill his business... I wouldn't even say that it was McCain (even though it was his campaign that prolonged Joe's 15min. of fame)... At the end of the day, the media was paramount in making Joe a household name, and poor Joe didn't have his house in order.

However, the initial thread was about Pres. Obama staring down a reporter, prior to giving his response (which was heavily lauded as cold and unfriendly)... The man has publicly made a few mistakes recently, however I'm not quite ready to assemble an impeachment committe;)

Actually, it's illegal for any person who doesn't have specific business with your taxes to look them up. A couple years ago, an IRS agent was fired and then arrested for simply LOOKING at the tax numbers of the celebrities without authorization. Prez may be commander and chief, but he is not above the law, and he has no business looking at my taxes. Ever.

You can know anything you want about your opponent, that is legally obtainable. Tax info isn't unless they release it.

Hahaha... you think McCain tried to ruin Joe the Plumber? HAHAHAHAHAHA that's rich. Well, a member of Obama's election campain was arrested for it... but I guess it was actually a McCain supporter in descise embedded within the enemy camp. Nice conspiricy theory. I like it! It makes me smile.

Nope, no impeachment is necessary yet. It's all in good fun.

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:lol: @ Jhaag

I appreciate the source, but I think prior to your arrival here on the forum we that we had a discussion on biases. Newsmax doesn't make the cut - it's conservative.

i'm not new, just quiet :cool:

i havent seen the thread (rather, wasnt interested but seem to recall sometihng to that effect), but where do you find a proper, truely nonbiased news source these days? anyway, my intent was to show the story on which the thread was based. any further info needed is up to any/all interested parties.

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i'm not new, just quiet :cool:

i havent seen the thread (rather, wasnt interested but seem to recall sometihng to that effect), but where do you find a proper, truely nonbiased news source these days? anyway, my intent was to show the story on which the thread was based. any further info needed is up to any/all interested parties.

I understood and appreciated the intent. Truly non-biased sources are tough, but the AP, Reuters, UK news, NPR usually do a pretty good job. CNN doesn't do too bad either. I just can't, in good conscience, put too much clout in media that is wholly owned by conservative or liberal foundations, and especially that link you sent which had BillO's name all over it. That guy is the ultimate of all political hacks.

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You can know anything you want about your opponent, that is legally obtainable. Tax info isn't unless they release it.

Hahaha... you think McCain tried to ruin Joe the Plumber? HAHAHAHAHAHA that's rich. Well, a member of Obama's election campain was arrested for it... but I guess it was actually a McCain supporter in descise embedded within the enemy camp. Nice conspiricy theory. I like it! It makes me smile.

Nope, no impeachment is necessary yet. It's all in good fun.

I'll give you the first point. However, I never said that McCain tried to ruin Joe the Plumber, nor was that implied (at least I had no intention of making that implication). I said that his campaign prolonged Joe's 15min. of fame; which is true. Fact: Joe asked a very insightful question about how Obama's proposed tax plan would affect/penalize him if he carries out his plan to purchase his plumbing business.

McCain & Co. compared Joe to the "Average Joe": A hard-working American trying to progress and make a good life for himself and his family; and lauded him to the public as a potential victim of Obama's tax plan, and mentioned him countlessly throughout the campaign trail.

I wasn't saying that McCain tried to ruin him. I'm saying that he helped prolong Joe's presence in the spotlight. My assertion is that it was this time in the spotlight which spawned the scrutiny from the other side (as well as the media).

Almost makes me wonder: What would have happened if Joe asked his question, Obama responded, and that was it? Would he have just remained Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher?

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I'll give you the first point. However, I never said that McCain tried to ruin Joe the Plumber, nor was that implied (at least I had no intention of making that implication). I said that his campaign prolonged Joe's 15min. of fame; which is true. Fact: Joe asked a very insightful question about how Obama's proposed tax plan would affect/penalize him if he carries out his plan to purchase his plumbing business.

McCain & Co. compared Joe to the "Average Joe": A hard-working American trying to progress and make a good life for himself and his family; and lauded him to the public as a potential victim of Obama's tax plan, and mentioned him countlessly throughout the campaign trail.

I wasn't saying that McCain tried to ruin him. I'm saying that he helped prolong Joe's presence in the spotlight. My assertion is that it was this time in the spotlight which spawned the scrutiny from the other side (as well as the media).

Almost makes me wonder: What would have happened if Joe asked his question, Obama responded, and that was it? Would he have just remained Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher?

Ok, I misunderstood you. But, I disagree about McCain's keeping him in the spotlight drawing the fire. As I remember it, it was the fact that they tried to burry him that got people talking about him. I know the first time I heard about him on the radio was in response to their use of state resources against him (which is illegal) and if membory serves correctly, they did this almost immediatly after he had the gaul to ask Obama a question he didn't want to hear, while Obama stood on his front law. lol.

Had Obama answered the question, and just kept rolling it would have never been an issue and Joe would still be a plumber rather than running for a rep seat.

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I understood and appreciated the intent. Truly non-biased sources are tough, but the AP, Reuters, UK news, NPR usually do a pretty good job. CNN doesn't do too bad either. I just can't, in good conscience, put too much clout in media that is wholly owned by conservative or liberal foundations, and especially that link you sent which had BillO's name all over it. That guy is the ultimate of all political hacks.

Using the term, "Non bias" and "CNN and AP" in the same sentence is laughable, and truly shows your ignorance. I'm a conservitive... but I can TELL Fox is biased to the right. Why can't you stand back far enough from your liberal leanings to see the blatant leftism shown daily on those news sources? I don't put much coult in any one media source because 3 things in life are certain: Death, Taxes and The media will get it wrong. If you want any kind of a realistic view of the world, you must sift through them all and synthesize a conclusion for yourself rather than just believing what they tell you to. Fortunatly for them... people are lazy and it's much easier to just believe what your told to.

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