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Begging for money


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I deliver downtown, and i have noticed there are alot of people begging for money. They are everywhere! I am a Christian, so I'm taught to give or help a hand, but when is enough? I just tell them I don't have any money on me.


T tried.


I have little sympathy for homeless. Dont give them anything. The only cure for them is the willpower to help themselves.

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there was one guy I used to see at an on ramp twice a week on my way home from work. I would pack 2 sandwiches that day and give him 1. Never gave him money though.


My wife saw a begger with a dog a few weeks ago and went to wal mart and bought him a case of water and a bag of dog food.

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T tried.


I have little sympathy for homeless. Dont give them anything. The only cure for them is the willpower to help themselves.


I agree, one of my clients does government housing and work placement for people who have become homless. There are so many avenues to turn, i couldnt beleive what is all offered.

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there was one guy I used to see at an on ramp twice a week on my way home from work. I would pack 2 sandwiches that day and give him 1. Never gave him money though.


My wife saw a begger with a dog a few weeks ago and went to wal mart and bought him a case of water and a bag of dog food.


This, if i do give them something it is never money. My dad bought a full meal for a guy at subway a few years ago. The guy denied and said he had plenty of food. That has always made me think twice about giving handouts to the homeless.

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I deliver downtown and there is so many people begging for money they are everywhere I am a Christian so I'm taught to give or help a hand but when is enough I just tell them I don't have any money on me


Jesus used to tell people he didn't have any money either, so I think you're good to go.

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and even people ask to buy their gas for them.


This one really annoys me. I've helped people ive seen stranded on the side of the road, but don't pull up to me at the gas pump and ask me to swipe my CC for you in the pump

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I work downtown and see them all the time. I just tell them all no with the exception of the guys that go around trying to sell the Homeless Newspaper for $1, small newspaper on Homeless info and also general local info.


Could care less about the paper but those guys are at least trying to work for a $1.

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few years ago i was going to chipotle off of brice in reynoldsburg and there was a guy standing with a sign that said homeless need help ect. as we sat there eating our awesome burritos we watched the guy walk threw the gas station parking lot behind the building and threw the trees (if you have been to that chipotle you know what i'm talking about) take off his wig and trashey jacket and get into a brand new mercedes with temp tags.
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few years ago i was going to chipotle off of brice in reynoldsburg and there was a guy standing with a sign that said homeless need help ect. as we sat there eating our awesome burritos we watched the guy walk threw the gas station parking lot behind the building and threw the trees (if you have been to that chipotle you know what i'm talking about) take off his wig and trashey jacket and get into a brand new mercedes with temp tags.


Hahaha, that guy has been doing that for years.

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few years ago i was going to chipotle off of brice in reynoldsburg and there was a guy standing with a sign that said homeless need help ect. as we sat there eating our awesome burritos we watched the guy walk threw the gas station parking lot behind the building and threw the trees (if you have been to that chipotle you know what i'm talking about) take off his wig and trashey jacket and get into a brand new mercedes with temp tags.


I saw that EXACT news report from London, England, right down to the Mercedes and wig.....it was his profession and made BANK

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Not all but a lot of them get a nice fat social security check every month. They do have issues though and its a shame society doesn't do a bit more for the mental cases. The rest can get a job.


I would hardly call a soc security check "phat". I hate that we have cultures in the greatest country in the world that are on their what, 6-7 generation of families on govt. assistance.


Mental health issues run high and go hand in hand with drug abuse.


That being said I cant stand the homeless. There are alot of programs out there to help. Often underfunded and understaffed but they are there. Bad up bringings, abuse, unstable at best childhood....but at some point you have to make a decisions for yourself. whats right and whats wrong and how can i help myself.


And whats funny is that i was raised to help homless, soup kitchens, can drives all that shit through boy scouts and church, but 6 years working in a downtown Columbus ER changes your perception a whole hell of a lot.


I can't remember the exact figures, but as im starting my mental health rotation tomorrow ill find out, a nation wide study found that for every $1 invested into mental health and addiction services, the county or counties save something like $3 or $4. Decreased hospital visits, jail time, crime, etc.


Its a very complex problem to solve. I dont know if I hate the people for living the way they do or I hate it more that its socially acceptable to live the way they live.

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I saw that EXACT news report from London, England, right down to the Mercedes and wig.....it was his profession and made BANK


Yea i mean OSU campus' rapping bum is doing what hes doing, for as long as he's been doing it for a reason...it pays

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I have little sympathy for homeless. Dont give them anything. The only cure for them is the willpower to help themselves.


These are people who not only society, but their families and friends have given up on. In my life I've done very little to help the anonymous vagrant, but when the opportunity arises to show a little humanity and connect with another human, you're being bigoted if you reject that opportunity just because that person is homeless. I know that I could accomplish very little in my life without the opportunities afforded to me by not growing up in a shitty situation.

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triple cuse im on a 24hr with out sleep rant



These are people who not only society, but their families and friends have given up on. In my life I've done very little to help the anonymous vagrant, but when the opportunity arises to show a little humanity and connect with another human, you're being bigoted if you reject that opportunity just because that person is homeless. I know that I could accomplish very little in my life without the opportunities afforded to me by not growing up in a shitty situation.
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We get calls at our church for requests for food or rent/heat, whatever. We kindly ask to setup some time with them, offer help for whatever they need. Then, we write their landlord a rent check, or bring them healthy food. Its funny how sometimes, they say "look, just give me the money and I will decided what to do with it". Those people don't get the money.
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