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saw this yesterday too. ridiculous lack of communication about this from verizon's side. makes me think there's gonna be early issues


As much as I strongly hate just about everything about Verizon, they did nothing wrong here. As far as I know, they are the only CDMA provider, or at least the first, that will carry this device. They need to do some testing. Especially now that it's believed that just about ALL GSM versions have a

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It was also a shipment issue from the supplier, at least that's what the owner of the company I bought mine off of said. He hasn't even received his shipment yet, it was delayed a week...which means it's delayed a week before I get it.


"11/14/2011 – We have received word from our supplier that we will NOT receive stock this week. Stock is expected to ship to “early next week”. These were the exact words from our supplier who is direct with Samsung. If you have checked elsewhere for the stock, you will also see (if they are honest with their customers) that they will not be getting their stock as expected. This is not such a “delay” as it is a later arrival on the stock that expected. We do know that Canada/USA and Hong Kong launch was officially delayed until December 8th, 2011. The stock we have secured is not part of that delay."

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I agree i don't think VZW has done anything wrong. However, its super annoying not having a solid release date.


I also blame BC for not telling us... he is a meanie head


Marketing handles that stuff. I get my info on the internet.... Thats why I asked if there was a possible leak. Too many loose lips have messed it up for everyone.

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Got mine in the mail today.


First thing I said when I opened the box was "damn it's huge". that's what she said


Second thing I said was "damn it's light". I was worried that I wasn't going to be happy with the way it felt since it's plastic, where my nexus one had a metal frame, but so far I can't really tell the difference. It doesn't feel huge in my hand, it feels good.


Right now I'm just fucking with it, trying out and learning the new features of ICS. It's going to take a little bit of getting used to, with things like the app drawer no longer scrolling up and down, but sideways, and hardware changes, with the power button being on the side and no more capacitive buttons. I prefer the power button on the side, it's right where your thumb or index finger is.


Right away I noticed that the facebook app isn't too compatible with ICS yet so my contact pictures aren't syncing. Digging the new Email app though.


So first impressions are it's pretty fucking badass. I'm sure I'll have more to say.

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Got mine in the mail today.


First thing I said when I opened the box was "damn it's huge". that's what she said


Second thing I said was "damn it's light". I was worried that I wasn't going to be happy with the way it felt since it's plastic, where my nexus one had a metal frame, but so far I can't really tell the difference. It doesn't feel huge in my hand, it feels good.


Right now I'm just fucking with it, trying out and learning the new features of ICS. It's going to take a little bit of getting used to, with things like the app drawer no longer scrolling up and down, but sideways, and hardware changes, with the power button being on the side and no more capacitive buttons. I prefer the power button on the side, it's right where your thumb or index finger is.


Right away I noticed that the facebook app isn't too compatible with ICS yet so my contact pictures aren't syncing. Digging the new Email app though.


So first impressions are it's pretty fucking badass. I'm sure I'll have more to say.


So jelly.

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Don't have a second camera right now, but I'll post some screenshots.




Trying to show how crisp and clear the text is. The screen is amazing.





Another thing that I thought I was going to miss from my N1 was the trackball notification light. Well it has a multicolor LED that mimics the trackball light perfectly.




I tried face unlock, works really good, even in low light. I turned it off for now because I'm still constantly messing with the phone so it's just faster to use the slide unlock. My phone doesn't seem to be effected by the volume bug that some people were having so that's good.


There are tons of little new features that I like, for example it shows call location from unknown numbers now which is something stock vanilla android has never had. Everything ties together very well with the exception of facebook right now. One thing I do miss from gingerbread is the ability to swipe to put the phone into silent mode. You have to unlock the screen and hit the volume down button. I think they should add swipe up or down to mute/unmute.


Now they just need to release the car and desktop dock.

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Verizon's visual voicemail for the GNex is on the market. Should be a good sign. Interesting that it doesn't come pre-installed. Might mean that they are limited to how much bloatware they are allowed to preload on the device.

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There are quite some options here.


Desk Stand:



HDMI Dock:



Holder + 2nd Battery Charger:



Car Dock:



Why they didn't combine the first and 2nd one, I don't know, but I'll get the first one and the car dock.

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