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CBJ Jersey and SKI/Board Helmet


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So before any of you get any ideas I'm not renouncing my CBJ faith, this is a jersey that never fit from the time i got it.


This the CBJ's 3rd Jersey #61 Rick Nash

I took the tags off and wore it to literally one game last year....but alas i am to fat and it is to small.


IF you wear a medium or a Large, this will fit you.






Note my new hard wood floors. Muy sexxy


Here's opening night of the CBJ's






Next up is my Grio XL(7 1/2-7/58) snow helmet

Bought new on December 15 2009 in vail, wore it from 12/09-the end of the 2011 season in the trees of vail CO, 13000ft agl in UT and 7springs(for about 1/2 a day) in late January 2011


Never gone down hard, hit any trees or been dropped on any hard surface. It rode in my carry-on while traveling and has been stored inside in the off season. It has one unnoticeable scratch from a tree branch over the right ear cover. Compatible with any goggles i threw on; it's warm, provides excellent wind protection, is extremely comfortable and smells only of rich rich mahogany(and that's just not the floors).








Jersey-$60 (go to the fox sports blue line shop and they go for 3 times as much)



Edited by Sturg
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Colin didn’t stop to think. His body simply responded by instinct. Cupping her cheek in his hand, he slowly lowered his face to hers, their eyes never breaking contact. There was plenty of time for her to pull back, or even just turn her head and reject his kiss, but she didn’t. Then his lips touched hers and time hung suspended. She was soft, so very soft. His hand tightened on her waist as his lips moved against hers. When he lightly nipped her full lower lip, she let out an inarticulate cry, which gave him the opportunity to slip the tip of his tongue inside her mouth.


Oh lord, she tasted like heaven. How had he ever been attracted to willowy blondes who never did a day’s work in their lives? This woman, curvy, sweet and strong, felt perfect in his arms. Her untutored but eager response to his kiss had him reaching for the fastening of her gown. She didn’t stop him as he untied the tapes at the back of her gown, making the snug bodice droop off her shoulders. The sleeves trapped her arms at her sides and he nudged her shift down as well, revealing two lush, white mounds. With one arm still wrapped about her waist to hold her still, he used the other to cup one of her heavy breasts. Her nipples were small but tautly furled, and he grazed it gently with his thumb, wondering how it would taste.


“Oh!” She pulled away from him, clutching the burning oil lamp that she’d clearly almost dropped.


Colin swallowed hard and sagged against the doorframe. Holy hell, they’d nearly burned the house down, literally as well as figuratively. With his own hands shaking more than he’d like to admit, he reached out and took the lamp from Augusta’s hands while she made an effort to cover herself.


“I’d apologize, but it would be a lie,” he said thickly, setting the lamp down on a nearby chest. “Still, I am sorry for getting carried away.”


“I—ah—” She squeezed her eyes shut and backed out the doorway until her back bumped into the wall of the corridor behind her. “G-g-goodnight, my lord.”


“Colin,” he told her as she turned and fled toward the kitchen, without so much as a candle to light her way. “After that, you had probably better know my name.”

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She sighed, shoved up her sleeves and went to work dragging off his low-heeled boots and socks. Carefully, she swung his legs onto the bed. Only?somehow her legs tangled with his. She stumbled and fell clumsily across the poor man’s chest.


His eyes flew open. A half-smile flirted at the corners of his mouth. Kirrah glared at him. How the heck did he manage to look so darned sexy with a big ole’ purple bruise fanning over his right eye?


Slowly, he slid his arms around her hips and squeezed her buttocks. “Well, hel-lo.”


Kirrah widened her eyes. Oh, crap, that’s all she needed, a concussed Romeo with a sexy voice hot enough to curl her toes and set her thighs on fire, a voice that both compelled and could easily lead a woman astray.


The man looked at her as if he’d never seen her before and had just discovered his favorite eye-candy. “Aren’t you just a sweet little beauty?” he purred, sounding for all the world like a hungry cat whose appetite had just been satisfied. A big, dopey, contented cat.


Sweet little beauty? She blinked. Oh, yeah, the man was definitely off his meds. Obviously he was no stranger to seduction 101, either, if the way he massaged her butt was anything to go by.


And damn, did he have to have such dreamy bedroom eyes? Tiny gold specks sparkled like angel dust in the warm amber depths. Thick gold tipped lashes completed the allure of his heavy lidded gaze. He had the kind of gold-flecked irises that attracted a woman and sucked her right in.


He might as well wear a sign around his neck that read: Come and get it, sinful indulgence right here!


And boy was she ready to go get it.


Her brows knitted together in a deep scowl. What was wrong with her? All of a sudden her hormones were out of control? She wondered if her face was as red as it felt. Since she had red hair, her complexion was the fair one typical of redhead’s. She blushed as easily as she sunburned.


His gaze wondered from her hair to her lips. Oh, my. Those tiger-colored eyes fixed on her mouth. He licked his lips as though he’d just discovered a delicious snack he contemplated nibbling on.


Startled, Kirrah gasped as he suddenly tugged her closer.


Her hands splayed across his wide chest. “Uh-Mr. Wa-Wa, I think you might be getting a tad bit carried away here. Unhand me.”


“No.” One hand slid up her back and his fingers curled around her nape holding her in place. “I don’t think I should do that at all. You belong to me,” he whispered, and took her mouth.


That was the only word for it. Took. He ravaged her mouth with a slow steamy gut-wrenching kiss. Warm and wet. Hot and melting. Yum. He might be half-dead, but he had a mouth to die for and he knew how to use it.

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