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i feel bad for obama


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now, to top it off, he can't pass this paltry jobs bill when the economy is at a turning point.


[cynic hat on]


Obama never intended this bill to pass. It was re-election fodder designed to definitely prove how worthless the republicans are. To wit, he gave up on his "rich people making over 250 thousand a year" schtick and has shifted his target to a 5.4% increase tax increase on people making over a cool mil. And republicans are still dead-set against it. The rest of the bill is chock full of tax cuts and spending cuts and minor increases in unemployment programs. It's not a liberal bill at all; Obama has moved so far to the right that people don't even realize how typical this bill would have been for Bush.


I don't think Obama had any intention of this thing passing, I think he just slapped it together to make the opposition look bad for the upcoming election. Hell, at this point he could submit a bill that banned abortion and mandated free guns for everyone and republicans would still find something wrong with it.


Anyway, it annoys me that he's already playing the re-election campaign. It annoys me that he's moved so far to the right in order to compromise with lunatics. It annoys me that both parties continue to shove polarizing figures into the spotlight in order to ensure that the cycle continues.


+1 on feeling bad for the country.


[cynic hat off]

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My thought's


Im 36 prolly have to work another 30 year. I'm glad that they got the stock market fucked up, I'm buying this shit cheap.


Company stock is about $20 I buy $100 a week plus they match the same. (getting about 10 shares a week) If it were at $50 I would have less shares per week(4 shares). It has been as high as $77 in the13 years that I have been there, but usually hangs out around $40.


Buy it low, sell it high! If I was close to retirement I wouldn't be playing the market. Most on here are not close to retirement and should be taking advantage of the crisis.


sold a boat load at $42. Put it in a money market until the price dropped. Bought back in with the same boat load at $26. Currently waiting for it to go back up to $40+. Then I will repeat, gaining more shares every time.

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[cynic hat on]


Obama never intended this bill to pass. It was re-election fodder designed to definitely prove how worthless the republicans are. To wit, he gave up on his "rich people making over 250 thousand a year" schtick and has shifted his target to a 5.4% increase tax increase on people making over a cool mil. And republicans are still dead-set against it. The rest of the bill is chock full of tax cuts and spending cuts and minor increases in unemployment programs. It's not a liberal bill at all; Obama has moved so far to the right that people don't even realize how typical this bill would have been for Bush.


I don't think Obama had any intention of this thing passing, I think he just slapped it together to make the opposition look bad for the upcoming election. Hell, at this point he could submit a bill that banned abortion and mandated free guns for everyone and republicans would still find something wrong with it.


Anyway, it annoys me that he's already playing the re-election campaign. It annoys me that he's moved so far to the right in order to compromise with lunatics. It annoys me that both parties continue to shove polarizing figures into the spotlight in order to ensure that the cycle continues.


+1 on feeling bad for the country.


[cynic hat off]



the majority of the country is moderate. Every president HAS to move to the center, which is what Obama is attempting to do.

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[cynic hat on]


Obama never intended this bill to pass. It was re-election fodder designed to definitely prove how worthless the republicans are. To wit, he gave up on his "rich people making over 250 thousand a year" schtick and has shifted his target to a 5.4% increase tax increase on people making over a cool mil. And republicans are still dead-set against it. The rest of the bill is chock full of tax cuts and spending cuts and minor increases in unemployment programs. It's not a liberal bill at all; Obama has moved so far to the right that people don't even realize how typical this bill would have been for Bush.


I don't think Obama had any intention of this thing passing, I think he just slapped it together to make the opposition look bad for the upcoming election. Hell, at this point he could submit a bill that banned abortion and mandated free guns for everyone and republicans would still find something wrong with it.


Anyway, it annoys me that he's already playing the re-election campaign. It annoys me that he's moved so far to the right in order to compromise with lunatics. It annoys me that both parties continue to shove polarizing figures into the spotlight in order to ensure that the cycle continues.


+1 on feeling bad for the country.


[cynic hat off]


More win that a 3 some with the Fuku and Fukme sisters

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Bingo. Inefficient is a compliment that these clowns don't deserve. The two-party system is fucked' date=' and the country is coming down with it.[/quote']


the problem with the 2-party system nowadays is that people want either one or the other....and rarely ever see eye to eye to work out a compromise.......this ends up being a vicious cycle since a decision gets made, one side feels alienated and starts hating the other side more..........which in turn is bad for the country because the idiots lose sight of the big picture and only want the other to fail



it sucks but democrats and republicans are killing the country together and share the load 50/50



that said, Ron Paul for president

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I would make prostitution and drugs legal. People would be happy and fixing the economy at the same time. By the time they had to deal with rehab and the widespread herpe outbreak I would be out of office like a bauce!


make sure you tax it accordingly though


It's my argument for legalizing marijuana and regulating it as such

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I would make prostitution and drugs legal. People would be happy and fixing the economy at the same time. By the time they had to deal with rehab and the widespread herpe outbreak I would be out of office like a bauce!


A vote for me is a vote for hookers and blow.

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Good Written


I feel helpless. As much as I am personally ok with compromising some of my ideals to help move this country forward, there are still some in the government that can't do that. I think he is a victim of the inefficiencies of the congress and senate. There is nothing any president could have done/do. IMO



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