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liscence plate look up


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People who have access to that capacity (getting personal information from a license plate number) can get into hot water for doing that unless they had a legit (work-related) reason to do it. And with all the internal security that most agencies have, this type of information access is being monitored somewhere, by someone. So, could you find someone willing to take the risk and get you the info? Maybe. Should you put a friend's job at risk over something like this? Prolly not.


If you have evidence that someone is messing with your stuff and you have a plate number, you may want to have a discussion with your local law enforcement and see what options they suggest.


Here is a similar thread:



One post has a link to a site that claims to give you personal data based on the plate number; I guess you could try it and see.

Edited by Doc
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People who have access to that capacity (getting personal information from a license plate number) can get into hot water for doing that unless they had a legit (work-related) reason to do it. And with all the internal security that most agencies have, this type of information access is being monitored somewhere, by someone. So, could you find someone willing to take the risk and get you the info? Maybe. Should you put a friend's job at risk over something like this? Prolly not.


If you have evidence that someone is messing with your stuff and you have a plate number, you may want to have a discussion with your local law enforcement and see what options they suggest.


Here is a similar thread:



One post has a link to a site that claims to give you personal data based on the plate number; I guess you could try it and see.



I say call cops if its bad.

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