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Ingenuity comes to the M240b


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Those are feed chutes from a 240C aka coax fed into a ruck sack. We had 600 rounds in two ammo boxes that fed into the chutes. It's a smart idea though.



You can mount boxes and pouches to the 240 and the M60E3/E4 models. I'm curious if the pack carries spare barrels aswell. If I get a chance to upload a video, I'll show you a 240B torture test.

Edited by Infidel
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didn't jesse ventura use one of these in predator


Predator-Inspired Ammo Backpack Cobbled Together By Soldiers In Afghanistan

While discussing the shortcomings of their setup (as you might do if your lives depended on it), someone mentioned the movie Predator, in which Jesse Ventura’s character had an ammo box for his minigun strapped to his back. They laughed about it, but Winkowski got to thinking, and with a can-do attitude that becomes of a soldier, decided to put something like it together.


yeah I think so :)

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