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Howard Stern on Wall St. Morons


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I actually know someone up there. You guys are falling for the bullshit. There are shitloads of 'regular' people there. The media, as usual, is cherry picking people to interview and film because people are willing to believe whatever the hell they air. They'd love for you to believe that the only protesters are jobless hippies and that's just not the truth.
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I actually know someone up there. You guys are falling for the bullshit. There are shitloads of 'regular' people there. The media, as usual, is cherry picking people to interview and film because people are willing to believe whatever the hell they air. They'd love for you to believe that the only protesters are jobless hippies and that's just not the truth.


Your very legitimate point is going to fall on deaf ears for the majority of this forum. As with any protest, the major "news" sites (CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc) will set their focus on the negative aspects. Do I agree with how they are protesting? Not fully, but anyone who can't see the disparity that drives the whole idea behind the protests is ignorant of what is going on.


Personally I've found myself in between the two view points on this. Realistically, I don't think the way the protesters are going about things currently is going to get them heard unless they come up with real, concrete demands that are specific. But I agree with what they are protesting about.

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I actually know someone up there. You guys are falling for the bullshit. There are shitloads of 'regular' people there. The media, as usual, is cherry picking people to interview and film because people are willing to believe whatever the hell they air. They'd love for you to believe that the only protesters are jobless hippies and that's just not the truth.


We've got these "Occupy Dallas" turds here too. It's a popular soapbox for them to try and push their socialistic ideals upon the American society. Why is it that the left sided "protests" always turn violent, or ends up in a mess. I could personally care less for any particular movement that the US deems popular for the week, but most of the "left's" agendas aren't peaceful and logic by anymeans. Bitching about college loans and lack of jobs is a joke.

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Bitching about college loans and lack of jobs is a joke.


If they are so pissed off about their college loans - why don't they go protest in front of the overpriced college that "sold" them the education that won't get them hired?


They chose to borrow money, Obama's administration has taken over the school loan programs - why aren't they protesting at the White House?


(Oh, yea, sorry, it's not really about that - it's about socialism!)

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If they are so pissed off about their college loans - why don't they go protest in front of the overpriced college that "sold" them the education that won't get them hired?


They chose to borrow money, Obama's administration has taken over the school loan programs - why aren't they protesting at the White House?


(Oh, yea, sorry, it's not really about that - it's about socialism!)


That's what I don't understand. Go to the root of the problem, plain and simple. Seems like a majority of these people are 20 somes that never had to work a hard day in their life or sacrifice anything. I don't think these people grasp the concept of reality. They live in a fantasy world of deluted knowledge.

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Yeah. Better to support the tea party movement. So you can help get rid of any regulation so the CEOs of megacorporations can get even MORE ultrarich while downgrading your pay and sending your jobs overseas... Better to work really hard making someone else rich.


Or are you still all under the delusion that you're all going to become Mega-CEOs yourself?


For each of the idiots like these dolts that they choose to interview, there's 10 more behind them who are more moderate and who really are sick of the ultra-rich raping the rest of us while the brainwashed horde blows their message for them.


Here's hoping to this leading at least to a political movement. Something to balance out those moron teapartiers who don't even realize they've been completely co-opted by the billionare owners of corporations.



PS - Stern is a pile of ass rash.

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I actually know someone up there. You guys are falling for the bullshit. There are shitloads of 'regular' people there. The media, as usual, is cherry picking people to interview and film because people are willing to believe whatever the hell they air. They'd love for you to believe that the only protesters are jobless hippies and that's just not the truth.


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While the Occupy movement may grate on some of my more libertarian sensibilities, some of what I hear is more than aggreeable. Government is bought, courts are bought, seperation of government from corporate interest and control is paramount to a society where the government works for and is scared of, the people.


Run on sentence, so on and so forth.


Though when I hear about free college education(free of course as in taxed), among other moronic socialist rhetoric I want to choke people. College doesn't make someone successful, having the drive to do what you do best, and be marketable for that skill makes you successful. Whether you needed continued education or not.

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Yeah. Better to support the tea party movement. So you can help get rid of any regulation so the CEOs of megacorporations can get even MORE ultrarich while downgrading your pay and sending your jobs overseas... Better to work really hard making someone else rich.


Or are you still all under the delusion that you're all going to become Mega-CEOs yourself?


For each of the idiots like these dolts that they choose to interview, there's 10 more behind them who are more moderate and who really are sick of the ultra-rich raping the rest of us while the brainwashed horde blows their message for them.


Here's hoping to this leading at least to a political movement. Something to balance out those moron teapartiers who don't even realize they've been completely co-opted by the billionare owners of corporations.



PS - Stern is a pile of ass rash.


+1 Back to you, sir. I'm still watching the thread, but for me to delve any further would get my all riled and would only be a waste of energy.

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Yeah. Better to support the tea party movement. So you can help get rid of any regulation so the CEOs of megacorporations can get even MORE ultrarich while downgrading your pay and sending your jobs overseas... Better to work really hard making someone else rich.


Or are you still all under the delusion that you're all going to become Mega-CEOs yourself?


For each of the idiots like these dolts that they choose to interview, there's 10 more behind them who are more moderate and who really are sick of the ultra-rich raping the rest of us while the brainwashed horde blows their message for them.


Here's hoping to this leading at least to a political movement. Something to balance out those moron teapartiers who don't even realize they've been completely co-opted by the billionare owners of corporations.



PS - Stern is a pile of ass rash.


this. /thread

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ive heard its nothing but a host of 18-24 yr old homeless vagrants there.


i hope nyc police run their asses out. there are huge issues at large with the economy and "wall street", but these morons don't realize that "wall street" isn't the only market on the earth, its just an easily recognizable target they can lash out at.

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