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This is kind of related to this thread. Something to keep in mind



November 9th. The "tests" begin. Skynet is activating.



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But in all reality my SHTF plan is to take my 40lb backpack battery+solar cell and sell energy for people to run their iPods for food, water and bullets.

You will be populare like Starbucks.


Exactly. Cash is worth what we say its worth. The laws of economy are actually just psychology wearing a costume.


By "back up and running" I don't mean all the ATMs will be up and running and dispensing cash and so forth. I mean people won't turn on each other in a mass global spanning deathmatch. We are born and bred and built (literally) to be communities.


We'll help each other out. Happens every disaster: There are the looters, there are the runners, and there are the helpers/rebuilders. Guess which one ends up every time?

Lifes lessons, or a studied scholar? I have to agree. Your understanding of people, I

see. I just wonder, how long it would take for us to get to the point were we can organize, and what damage we have done getting to that point.


Joe.. By permaban do you mean Wagner would be killing people or putting them in some sort of jail?


No. I was more kidding, like the person being escorted out of the area and told not to come back.

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Crime will go up in some places. Everywhere else, people will help each other out. Crops will get grown. Stuff will get built. Sick will get helped. Its what people do.


The rest is B movie plot.


LA, NYC, Detroit and Chicago I'm pretty sure would be burned to the ground.

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Figured I'd add some history to think about along with the collapse of society as we know it. I won't try to hard to be accurate with dates as I'm just trying to provoke thought and add to an interesting thread.


We now live in a country and world of huge population centers and logistical networks to support them.


We all know ancient people lived in small tribes/clans for a long time. This had a lot to do with the hunter/gatherer skills and lack of anything more advanced.


5-6K years ago we developed agriculture which allowed for more people to gather into small city states.


A bit after that came more advanced grain storage and mills which gave way to cities such as Rome (population of nearly 1million). They had a pretty advanced aqueduct system and huge mills to make flower. This allowed many people to live in a city and not need to farm or hunt to survive. They could use their time making things that everyone could use to add to the collective ease of living.


This type of advancement gets repeated over and over again throughout history, another notable one comes as canned food during the time of Nepolean. This allowed long term storage of food in easily transportable containers (helped Nepolean's army do a lot of moving and fighting.)


In the last century we got cold storage, fast and cheap transcontinental logistics, mechinized farming, preservatives for long term dry storage, etc.


My point is we lose the monitary system or just society stops for some reason and we got problems. Hundreds of millions will get hungry and they will be the "zombies."


This isn't even going into medical advances even as basic as penacilin, which I would consider the most important drug in exsistance in the SHTF scenario. Without it and a few other things our life expectations just went back to something like 30-40yrs. A lot of us on here got one foot in the grave in that case.

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I say in a cr colony we would have everything to form our own society, but where to start a colony should something devestating ever happen? And which stores to knock over first, automotive such places or go for the food first or should it be weapons first? Btw I threw the auto parts store in there half joking, however a stockpile of useable parts to keep our "fleet" going and quickly at that would keep us at advantage over others who try to ensue chase, also what about a mobile colony like mad max movies, or you think it would be better to stay put? Just putting some thoughts out there, even if only half serious.
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I agree though, we start a CR colony. The talent on here would be cool to watch rebuild society.


I think most people would eat just about anything at that point, but some might not be able to stomach killing what we used to consider pets. Therefore I think you should be who kills and cleans our cats & dogs that we eat. You shouldn't have much of a problem with doing that.

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I think most people would eat just about anything at that point, but some might not be able to stomach killing what we used to consider pets. Therefore I think you should be who kills and cleans our cats & dogs that we eat. You shouldn't have much of a problem with doing that.






Haha, see now theres a reason to have me around. I can learn to make some kickass general tso's kitten.


Fixed. :dumb:

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So if everyone agreeing with you is automatically worthless, I guess we can just assume you're pretty worthless as well. Sorry for you. :fa:


Look you piece of trash. This is at least the second time I've seen you come back with the Pee Wee Herman "I'm rubber and your glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks back onto you" defense. If you want me to keep replying to the drivel coming out of your keyboard please at least attempt to post something original.

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Look you piece of trash. This is at least the second time I've seen you come back with the Pee Wee Herman "I'm rubber and your glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks back onto you" defense. If you want me to keep replying to the drivel coming out of your keyboard please at least attempt to post something original.


No originality needed sir, simply logic.

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No originality needed sir, simply logic.


Logic is something seemingly far from what you display on this forum. Logic would be you not logging in any more. Or, maybe just reading and not posting until you get the hang of it.



That would be the logical thing for you to do, since I have yet to see a post from you that offers anything of worth. You might are well post a period, . ,and hit submit reply. It's about the same value of the input I have seen from your posts.

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