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H.B. No. 352

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Haha mine is named Capone, this is him as a pup the day we got him. I need to take a recent pic as he is a monster, packed full of nothing but muscle and a huge head lol.




hahaha nice! Im at work and cant post shit for pics from my phone(more like i dont wanna learn how) shoot me a text i'll send you one


And greg! FUCK YOU! I want a tiger!

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Do the words eat a dick mean anythign to you? Oh and don't you have to have a CCW to carry a gun on you, which is essentially a license, thanks for playing though, now back to munching on some cock you shall go


Look dumbass, don't try to change what you said to try to make me look stupid, when in fact, you're the retard...Yes, i have my CCW...but you said "to buy a gun", not carry one.


Try harder next time, junior

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Whats your number Brandon...



Owning a Chamelion, Iguana or other simliar reptile shouldn't be banned. Owning a garden snake and a daddy long leg spider shouldn't be banned. Owning a tiger without being properly trained or having the proper enclosure for such animal should be.

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Look dumbass, don't try to change what you said to try to make me look stupid, when in fact, you're the retard...Yes, i have my CCW...but you said "to buy a gun", not carry one.


Try harder next time, junior



Look dumbass, notice I stated I should've worded it differently to begin with. Do us both a favor, go buy a tiger, release it then blow your own brains out, it worked out well for the last guy

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Look dumbass, notice I stated I should've worded it differently to begin with. Do us both a favor, go buy a tiger, release it then blow your own brains out, it worked out well for the last guy


You didnt misword it, you posted something you dont know about, then when that was made clear, you tried to act like it was a mistake...do you want a bicycle to backpedal a little faster?

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NO you will no longer be allowed to purchase them OR there body parts..


so snake skin boots will be banned..



if you have one now you must register and microchip it


bold part is patently false

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Haha mine is named Capone, this is him as a pup the day we got him. I need to take a recent pic as he is a monster, packed full of nothing but muscle and a huge head lol.




Capone lol original gangster name for a pit :dumb:

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bold part is patently false



(3) "Wildlife sanctuary" means a nonprofit organization as described in section 170 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 170, as amended, that operates a place of refuge where abused, neglected, unwanted, impounded, abandoned, orphaned, or displaced dangerous exotic animals are provided care for their lifetime or released back to their natural habitat and, with respect to an animal possessed by the organization, that does not do any of the following:


(a) Use the animal for any type of entertainment;


(b) Sell, trade, or barter the animal or the animal's body parts;


© Breed the animal.

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OR think of this bill as a challenge to make our well know cute house cats as dangerous if not more then their wild counterparts. Think of it like a cocktail 1 part kitten 2 parts steroids 1 part lsd 2 part kitten sized guns. Shack in box serve angry to your closest municipal building. Watch the slippery slope of government restrictions... slip down a slope
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My wife handles the licensing of all animals that come in to the state. This is not the action of 1 person. She fields calls every day about an exotic animal that got loose or was abandoned. This really sucks for responsible owners but there are a ton of people out there who can't keep their 6 foot alligator in the bathtub anymore and just let them loose. Its crazy. I think the bill needs thought out better and allow responsible people to go through the proper channels to get licensed to have these animals. There has to be some control put in place though. The flip side to this is what they are really worried about and that is disease's. The Dept of Ag is constantly running in to roadblocks, trying to track animal diseases back to the source because of all the back end trading and auctions. The paper trail goes cold real fast when dealing with this.
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(3) "Wildlife sanctuary" means a nonprofit organization as described in section 170 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 170, as amended, that operates a place of refuge where abused, neglected, unwanted, impounded, abandoned, orphaned, or displaced dangerous exotic animals are provided care for their lifetime or released back to their natural habitat and, with respect to an animal possessed by the organization, that does not do any of the following:


(a) Use the animal for any type of entertainment;


(b) Sell, trade, or barter the animal or the animal's body parts;


© Breed the animal.






All that says is that to be a sanctuary you can't sell, trade, or barter body parts.

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Haha mine is named Capone, this is him as a pup the day we got him. I need to take a recent pic as he is a monster, packed full of nothing but muscle and a huge head lol.




Glad to see he is doing good. Do you have any recent photos? That photo is one taken at the top of my stairs several months ago.

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Whats your number Brandon...



Owning a Chamelion, Iguana or other simliar reptile shouldn't be banned. Owning a garden snake and a daddy long leg spider shouldn't be banned. Owning a tiger without being properly trained or having the proper enclosure for such animal should be.



yea that is bullshit, and i knew it would happen. it outlaws all snakes period. wtf really?"register it with the Division of Wildlife, and to declare an emergency" declare a emergency i have a garter snake! wow. i almost cant believe this is real.

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