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Radio Flyer1647545514

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It seems like there are a decent amount of people that play paintball on here.


Anyone looking to get a game together before it gets too cold out?


I'm normally free on Sundays. We could plan for 11/6, it should still be in the 50's I hope.


I don't care if it's speedball or woodsball, but if the Haunted Hoochie is over by then we could go to Fran Bar and play a good mix of both.


Anyone interested? I should be able to have at least 5 people at a minimum with me.

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I'm playing woods ball this Sunday afternoon at private lot we have permission to play in. Could always use a some more players to make it more fun. We average about 10-12 people each week. It's just north of the intersection of home road and 23. shoot me a pm if you want to play and I'll get an address.
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So what's the difference between open field and speedball?


speed ball is a small contained space and its pretty much capture the flag, woods ball is more space, more sniping, more waiting. speed ball is more aggressive. both are fun depends on what you like

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I'm going to be working this Sunday and I'm waiting on a new bolt for my gun to show next week, next weekend I'm in for Fran Bar or Warzone if everyone is interested.


can possibly make this. and possibly i mean as long as it dont rain lol

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can possibly make this. and possibly i mean as long as it dont rain lol


I'll be playing as long as it doesn't rain. Fran Bar is cheap at 15 dollars to play if you bring your own paint and there is a store for paint up the street. More of a pick up game style of play but they have 3 or 4 woodsball courses, a NPPL and XBall field as well as hyperball.


If people want to go to warzone it's 20 to play with all day air and 55-60 a case, you must buy field paint there. It's also a much further drive. I think they only have 2 fields set up there as well. They move the bunkers indoor when it get's too cold out.

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