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Victims speak out about North Carolina sterilization program


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Pretty screwed up and apparently it wasn't the only state, either. Sad to think it's lasted until so recently. I'm curious what other states were involved and when AND if their eugenics programs were shut down/disbanded.


"Elaine Riddick was 13 years old when she got pregnant after being raped by a neighbor in Winfall, N.C., in 1967. The state ordered that immediately after giving birth, she should be sterilized. Doctors cut and tied off her fallopian tubes."




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There are people who are not going to like what I am about to say, but they can deal with it. I think for the good of humanity some people (men and women) should have their right to have children taken away. Think about, we allow our unfit to breed like rabbits and wonder why there are so many issues with this country.


Imagine a world where there are real consequences for your actions, you know like in the old days when this country was worth a shit….

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There are people who are not going to like what I am about to say, but they can deal with it. I think for the good of humanity some people (men and women) should have their right to have children taken away. Think about, we allow our unfit to breed like rabbits and wonder why there are so many issues with this country.


Imagine a world where there are real consequences for your actions, you know like in the old days when this country was worth a shit….


Have you heard the theories that today's society is an impediment to evolution due to the fact that your ability to survive has nothing to do with your ability to breed?

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Reminds me a little of what they were doing in England years back sending all the poories to Australia. Although, I think Jerry Springer and Grove City prove that at this point this behavior is not wide spread anymore.




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Have you heard the theories that today's society is an impediment to evolution due to the fact that your ability to survive has nothing to do with your ability to breed?


So if I understand this right the fact we allow the fucktards from jersey shore to live and possible breed we are holding all of humanity back?


Dumb people breed quicker, it is a simple and sad fact :(

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There are people who are not going to like what I am about to say, but they can deal with it. I think for the good of humanity some people (men and women) should have their right to have children taken away. Think about, we allow our unfit to breed like rabbits and wonder why there are so many issues with this country.


Imagine a world where there are real consequences for your actions, you know like in the old days when this country was worth a shit….


Screw stopping the program...


They should bring it back full force. What's that, you are jobless, on welfare, and pregnant? BRB doing america a huge favor. Plunge plunge, 2.5 million dollars saved!




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Our govt plays the odds, they hope that most of those born will be taxpaying citizens at some point in their life. Take a retard who has 15 kids, hopefully 8 of them can function in society.



Guess what, those are the worst odds in the book.

This isn't a hollywood movie set where miracles happen. In reality, each spawned child is likely to simply re-create the mistakes of the past generation.


1 Person spawns 6 kids, say 1/5 are female, each one of them 4-6 more.


Within a few generations, you have 50 people on welfare each dragging 4 carts of frozen waffles and canned cheese out of the store. :fuuuu:

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There are people who are not going to like what I am about to say, but they can deal with it. I think for the good of humanity some people (men and women) should have their right to have children taken away. Think about, we allow our unfit to breed like rabbits and wonder why there are so many issues with this country.


Imagine a world where there are real consequences for your actions, you know like in the old days when this country was worth a shit….


Your comments don't bother me one bit. I completely agree.


I still say the .gov should offer an incentive program of some sort for sterilization. Get sterilized (bill's on us), and we'll give you $XXXX. Imagine the amount of worthless crackheads that would jump at that opportunity. It's GOT to be cheaper in the long run.

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I think I heard it on 97.1 but someone had a great idea to prevent tard breeding. Every male, at birth, is given a reversible vasectomy. They are then free to do as they like until they are 25, at which point they must pass a couple tests; one physical, one mental.


At 25, most males will have had sexual encounters, have experimented with drugs and alcohol, and have done some really stupid things as most young males are prone to doing. The physical test will be to see that no serious damage has been done by chronic drug or alcohol abuse (and to make sure they arent currently abusing), you can make sure they don't have a BMI over, say 40 (or some morbidly obese level that not even Billy Blanks could come back from), and make sure that there are no STDs floating around. The mental test would be relatively simple, just to see whether they are an adult capable of creating a budget and understanding the importance of staying out of debt (not demanding that they are not in debt, but that they understand that debts carry on to your young'ns).


If you pass the tests, you get your ability to reproduce back. If not, you get another shot in a year.

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I think I heard it on 97.1 but someone had a great idea to prevent tard breeding. Every male, at birth, is given a reversible vasectomy. They are then free to do as they like until they are 25, at which point they must pass a couple tests; one physical, one mental.


At 25, most males will have had sexual encounters, have experimented with drugs and alcohol, and have done some really stupid things as most young males are prone to doing. The physical test will be to see that no serious damage has been done by chronic drug or alcohol abuse (and to make sure they arent currently abusing), you can make sure they don't have a BMI over, say 40 (or some morbidly obese level that not even Billy Blanks could come back from), and make sure that there are no STDs floating around. The mental test would be relatively simple, just to see whether they are an adult capable of creating a budget and understanding the importance of staying out of debt (not demanding that they are not in debt, but that they understand that debts carry on to your young'ns).


If you pass the tests, you get your ability to reproduce back. If not, you get another shot in a year.


One problem with that; vasectomies are harder to reverse the longer you wait. Not all of them are reversible.

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Your comments don't bother me one bit. I completely agree.


I still say the .gov should offer an incentive program of some sort for sterilization. Get sterilized (bill's on us), and we'll give you $XXXX. Imagine the amount of worthless crackheads that would jump at that opportunity. It's GOT to be cheaper in the long run.


Dude, you should work for NASA because that is some smart ass shit right there. You would get reduce a huge amount of social problems this country has too.

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Our govt plays the odds, they hope that most of those born will be taxpaying citizens at some point in their life. Take a retard who has 15 kids, hopefully 8 of them can function in society.


Without the welfare system, the democrats would have no voters. They promote irresponsible breeding for that one simple fact.

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Have you heard the theories that today's society is an impediment to evolution due to the fact that your ability to survive has nothing to do with your ability to breed?



Technological advancement can be seen as evolution. Things like vaccinations and such do help the weaker survive that should die off under traditional evolution theory, but as a whole has made the species stronger.

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Your comments don't bother me one bit. I completely agree.


I still say the .gov should offer an incentive program of some sort for sterilization. Get sterilized (bill's on us), and we'll give you $XXXX. Imagine the amount of worthless crackheads that would jump at that opportunity. It's GOT to be cheaper in the long run.


Only issue with this is one too many 'x' in your number. Should be able to offer $xxx.xx and still get plenty of 'takers'. :)

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A friend of a friend had a great idea.


The Gov will pay you $25,000 to get sterilized.


Think about it. Who would jump on this without a second thought? And how much money in welfare and public services would that save in the long run?




EDIT: fuck, should have finished reading the thread. Well, I see it's not an uncommon idea.

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