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The cliff notes basically is young guy joins CR. He daily goes on and on about I own a company, a house, lots of cars, guns, etc. He has managed to get banned for a few days and piss off a good portion of the board within a week or two of joining.
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Shit, $1000 aint enough to turn Ringo's key. He's hit eating dinosaur eggs status




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Who are you ? Your cliff notes suck BAD READ. And havent been involved in anything im pretty fucking sure lol

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Seems like you made a similar post this on OR back in May. Can I ask why?


Why handle yourself different in person then you do on the internet? I agree the "Internetz is not Cereal Buisnezz". But what do you gain from stirring the pot on both OR and CR and then appear to be a "cool dude" in person?



Do you like the attention??



You must be doing something different the rest of us because I have now seen for myself on two forums where you are the center of attention.

If this works for you great. I can tell you I did not make friends nor get business from CR or OR by being a dick to others. I am not going to sit here say Phil has done it all right and you are doing it all wrong. However you seem to be a magnet for pissing people off.


Different strokes for different folks. If the way you handle yourself on these forums makes you successful in your business and personal life then more power to you.



Not sure why I am even posting this. Not like you give two shits about what people think of your online personalty. I guess I do give a damn what people think of me so I try to talk and treat people the same both online and in person.


Idk online is interesting, trolling is a fun hobby, but eventually i like settling in posting about the things i enjoy, cars and bikes.

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Just ban him. Why does this site suddenly have to be so democratic? One of you has to want to, you know you do...


1. Has he contributed anything since joining?

2. Does anyone of relevance vouch for him?

3. Does any other forum have something good to say?



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Just ban him. Why does this site suddenly have to be so democratic? One of you has to want to, you know you do...


1. Has he contributed anything since joining?

2. Does anyone of relevance vouch for him?

3. Does any other forum have something good to say?




1. I have contributed alot of lols and alot of time to people that want to waste it.

2. Are you of relevance ?

3. Do you know of any other forum other than ohio riders? And i was banned for stuff on that forum that happened months ago lol... didnt threaten anyone on there and thats the ban reason.

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I guess that depends on what you call "relevant". Good career, cool, luxurious hair and not a douche to everyone online. I guess my trader rating would be a good place to start if you were nearly as bright... I don't back pedal things I've said to save grace. You're a 20 year old, white knuckled sausage scrubber. I can't for the life of me understand why you're still here. The best thing you've come up with against me in our little interaction is "are you relevant, oh you're so important". You are obviously very important, what with being so well known via your work and networking.


I'm sorry I didn't search other forums to assure you are a great person. I haven't found you do one thing funny other than your penor drawing to clown Philbo Baggins.

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I guess that depends on what you call "relevant". Good career, cool, luxurious hair and not a douche to everyone online. I guess my trader rating would be a good place to start if you were nearly as bright... I don't back pedal things I've said to save grace. You're a 20 year old, white knuckled sausage scrubber. I can't for the life of me understand why you're still here. The best thing you've come up with against me in our little interaction is "are you relevant, oh you're so important". You are obviously very important, what with being so well known via your work and networking.


I'm sorry I didn't search other forums to assure you are a great person. I haven't found you do one thing funny other than your penor drawing to clown Philbo Baggins.


He is still here because people wanted a toy to play with this winter. I am going to ban him after he crosses the line one more time.


Trolling to be cool is about as cool as trolling for AIDS filled animals to sex.

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He is still here because people wanted a toy to play with this winter. I am going to ban him after he crosses the line one more time.


Trolling to be cool is about as cool as trolling for AIDS filled animals to sex.


i dont troll to be cool i troll cause its fun, but like i said by this post im done. :)

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