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This brings some serious stuff to question. If you utterly believe this stuff is not real, why do it? there is no fun in doing it. If you think there may be a chance it's real, then you are an idiot for messing with it. Think about it, if you think there is a possibility of some evil supernatural ish happeneing, why in the world would you voluntarily bring it to fruition? It's bad enough we all are influenced by satan every day and turn a blind eye to it, but to conciously will this kind of stuff into being, that's beyond me.


(noleaf, this isn't directed at you, just touching on your point.)


Yeah. I was stupid in HS and thought it was the cool thing to do. I believe that you can only get things from two places. Heaven or hell. After my experiences i only believe this is from satan. And can mess with you.

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Who's to say it reaches out to the negative. Why couldn't it be for the positive? Since the board was made popular during WW I it was being used to "Help" make decision against the other side.


Is that a serious question? If you think God is working miracles through those, have fun with that.

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Not believeing in something doesn't make it not real.


Just because someone doesn't believe bad ish happens when messing with quija boards, voodoo dolls, or whatever, doesn't mean it doesn't or won't happen.


The question is, is it worth being wrong?

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My old bed room in my parents house was haunted. They didnt beleive me for the longest time, i was able to describe what my grandma was buried in down to her necklace and earings. Mind you i have never seen a picture or anything. Fast foreward to my nephew who stayed in that room. He cannot and refuses to sleep in that room. He came downstairs one day, grabbed my sister walked her upstairs pointed into the air and said "mom, who is that guy right there?"



If you have never experienced anything like this, i would suggest staying away from it.

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Thanks to all of you who sent me PMs about my cold-hearted wife and locked cellar door. I would have gotten back to you sooner, but I was busy helping solve a Munchausen's by proxy case. Pretty sad, really - some mom wanted to keep her daughter sick so she'd get the attention for it and kept feeding the daughter industrial solvents in her soup. The daughter ended up dying. Like I said, pretty sad.


So, back to my wife, things have really turned around. She is so much more receptive to me now! We had a very tender - and erotic (kekekeke!) - moment not long ago. Let's just say it involved some clay, a pottery wheel, and the Righteous Brothers. I think we've definitely had a breakthrough.

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Thanks to all of you who sent me PMs about my cold-hearted wife and locked cellar door. I would have gotten back to you sooner, but I was busy helping solve a Munchausen's by proxy case. Pretty sad, really - some mom wanted to keep her daughter sick so she'd get the attention for it and kept feeding the daughter industrial solvents in her soup. The daughter ended up dying. Like I said, pretty sad.


So, back to my wife, things have really turned around. She is so much more receptive to me now! We had a very tender - and erotic (kekekeke!) - moment not long ago. Let's just say it involved some clay, a pottery wheel, and the Righteous Brothers. I think we've definitely had a breakthrough.


I'm no future teller or anything but I would suggest not taking walks into dark allies anytime in the near future. I dunno why I said this but I just got a hunch.

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I'm no future teller or anything but I would suggest not taking walks into dark allies anytime in the near future. I dunno why I said this but I just got a hunch.


Well, my wife and I tend to walk a lot when we go places, so sometimes it's hard to avoid the alleys. We have "date night" coming up soon. Should I leave the passwords to the bank accounts where I work hidden just to play it safe?

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Yes I would and I would also look for a black woman who tells the future and can talk to dead people. I dunno why but you might wanna consult her.


Will put that on my to do list. First, though, I've got to get the wife and kids moved into our new place. It's a new build. The developer seems like a stand-up kind of guy. We live within walking distance of an old Indian burial ground, which is kind of cool. Strange, though, the reception there is for shit - nothing but static on the TV sometimes.

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Can someone with one of these duracell powered milton bradley boards of magical powers come and help me out? I'm always waking up full and covered in blood, I can't eat all day, and for some reason I get a hard-on around dogs.


i dont think there is a single moving part on these things. therefore no duracell.

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I remember I was hammering on a fence in the backyard when my dad approached me. He was carrying a letter or something in his hand, and he looked worried. I continued to hammer as he came toward me. “Son,” he said, “why are you hammering on that fence? It already has plenty of nails in it.” “Oh, I’m not using nails,” I replied. “I’m just hammering.” With that, I returned to my hammering.


Dad asked me to stop hammering, as he had some news. I did stop hammering, but first I got a couple more hammers in, and this seemed to make Dad mad. “I said, stop hammering!” he yelled. I think he felt bad for yelling at me, especially since it looked like he had bad news. “Look,” he said, “you can hammer later, but first–” Well, I didn’t even wait to hear the rest. As soon as I heard “You can hammer,” that’s what I started doing.


Hammering away, happy as an old hammer hog. Dad tried to physically stop me from hammering by inserting a small log of some sort between my hammer and the fence. But I just kept on hammering, ’cause that’s the way I am when I get that hammer going. Then, he just grabbed my arm and and made me stop. “I’m afraid I have some news for you,” he said. I swear, what I did next was not hammering. I was just letting the hammer swing lazily at arm’s length, and maybe it tapped the fence once or twice, but that’s all. That apparently didn’t make any difference whatsoever to Dad, because he just grabbed my hammer out of my hand and flung it across the field. And when I saw my hammer flying helplessly through the air like that I just couldn’t take it. I burst out crying, I admit it.

And I ran to the house, as fast as my legs could take me. “Son, come back!” yelled Dad. “What about your hammer?!” But I could not have cared less about hammering at that point.


I ran into the house and flung myself onto my bed, pounding the bed with my fists. I pounded and pounded, until finally, behind me, I heard a voice. “As long as you’re pounding, why not use this?” I turned, and it was Dad, holding a brand-new solid-gold hammer. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and ran to Dad’s outstretched arms. But suddenly, he jumped out of the way, and I went sailing through the second-story window behind him.


Whenever I hear about a kid getting in trouble with the drugs, I like to tell them this story.

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I remember I was hammering on a fence in the backyard when my dad approached me. He was carrying a letter or something in his hand, and he looked worried. I continued to hammer as he came toward me. “Son,” he said, “why are you hammering on that fence? It already has plenty of nails in it.” “Oh, I’m not using nails,” I replied. “I’m just hammering.” With that, I returned to my hammering.


Dad asked me to stop hammering, as he had some news. I did stop hammering, but first I got a couple more hammers in, and this seemed to make Dad mad. “I said, stop hammering!” he yelled. I think he felt bad for yelling at me, especially since it looked like he had bad news. “Look,” he said, “you can hammer later, but first–” Well, I didn’t even wait to hear the rest. As soon as I heard “You can hammer,” that’s what I started doing.


Hammering away, happy as an old hammer hog. Dad tried to physically stop me from hammering by inserting a small log of some sort between my hammer and the fence. But I just kept on hammering, ’cause that’s the way I am when I get that hammer going. Then, he just grabbed my arm and and made me stop. “I’m afraid I have some news for you,” he said. I swear, what I did next was not hammering. I was just letting the hammer swing lazily at arm’s length, and maybe it tapped the fence once or twice, but that’s all. That apparently didn’t make any difference whatsoever to Dad, because he just grabbed my hammer out of my hand and flung it across the field. And when I saw my hammer flying helplessly through the air like that I just couldn’t take it. I burst out crying, I admit it.

And I ran to the house, as fast as my legs could take me. “Son, come back!” yelled Dad. “What about your hammer?!” But I could not have cared less about hammering at that point.


I ran into the house and flung myself onto my bed, pounding the bed with my fists. I pounded and pounded, until finally, behind me, I heard a voice. “As long as you’re pounding, why not use this?” I turned, and it was Dad, holding a brand-new solid-gold hammer. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and ran to Dad’s outstretched arms. But suddenly, he jumped out of the way, and I went sailing through the second-story window behind him.


Whenever I hear about a kid getting in trouble with the drugs, I like to tell them this story.







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