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I'm an Apple fanboy


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Charles, better know what you are buying, the MacBook Air is the slowest Mac made. They are not for everyone. Harddrives are small and Ram is not upgradeable and no optical drive. I love mine, but I don't do much on a Mac that I can't do on an iPad. With iOS 5 and you don't have to backup to a PC anymore, I can see me not buying another Mac PC. Just iPads.
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Charles, better know what you are buying, the MacBook Air is the slowest Mac made. They are not for everyone. Harddrives are small and Ram is not upgradeable and no optical drive. I love mine, but I don't do much on a Mac that I can't do on an iPad. With iOS 5 and you don't have to backup to a PC anymore, I can see me not buying another Mac PC. Just iPads.


Hmmm, I don't know shit about a Mac other than they look cool. Thank you for the info. Any suggestions on a good "Starter" Mac that will last a while?

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If you want more of a traditional laptop type of Mac get. MacBook Pro, they have 750GB harddrive, expandable ram, and an optical drive, and Thunderbolt. Google that.


Can't believe you would consider spending that much cash on a machine you know nothing about. I used my brother in law's MacBook for a month before buying my MacBook Air.

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Well, I was going to come in here and say, "I think the internet is wrong about 5.0.1, because my battery life has been great today!"


Which is true. I've been unplugged since noon yesterday and I'm at 57%, with admittedly mild usage, but this is waaaay better than I was getting last week.


However, my usage statistics are blank. I charged it to 100% and then restarted the phone, that must have reset it? I'm plugging it in now because there's no point in continuing the experiment until I can get it to start tracking usage.

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I think it has to be run down to less than 20% then charged to 100%, the usage will be reset to 0 and start tracking the next cycle. If I get 8hrs of "usage" out of my phone I am very happy. Right now I am listening to Mike and Mike on the ESPN Radio App and reading e-mail and facebook.


I run Bluetooth all day (my Car radio conects to the iPhone via Bluetooth) to make hands fee calling and play my music from the phone in my car) Wi-Fi All day as I get no service in my office that is 20 feet underground.

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I think it has to be run down to less than 20% then charged to 100%, the usage will be reset to 0 and start tracking the next cycle. If I get 8hrs of "usage" out of my phone I am very happy. Right now I am listening to Mike and Mike on the ESPN Radio App and reading e-mail and facebook all while at work.


fixed :lolguy:

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I like having a place to go to and be away from the homestead.


I have that option too but balance it with travel. Back OT, I'll have a great chance to see the impact of 5.0.1 this week as I have more travels and will be power-using the 4s on the road. GPS, music, Bluetooth, emails, web, texting, all day from 7am through 10pm at night.


I do anticipate using it to the red. on 5.0 I got phenomenal use from it and drained it to 10% each day, doing the above. I don't anticipate this time being much different. Hopefully based on my indications, it will be slightly better.

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Very happy, this has some GPS, I played some COD Zombies, surfed, played music, listened to internet broadcasts, e-mail, Facebook, Texting, Talking on the phone, Banking, checking and researching 3 Fantasy Football teams all on different apps, Taking pics and video. There's more, but you get the picture, I'm a heavy user. I use my iPhone like this daily.


Normally I charge it at night so my battery is never dead while I am away from home.

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Very happy, this has some GPS, I played some COD Zombies, surfed, played music, listened to internet broadcasts, e-mail, Facebook, Texting, Talking on the phone, Banking, checking and researching 3 Fantasy Football teams all on different apps, Taking pics and video. There's more, but you get the picture, I'm a heavy user. I use my iPhone like this daily.


Normally I charge it at night so my battery is never dead while I am away from home.


That is pretty good battery life! WiFi is a killer.


I charge my battery every night before I go to bed so I never have a dead phone. I use my phone a lot, texting with audio alerts on, gtalk, gmail, browsing the web in a very low signal area, my screen is on max brightness, and bluetooth streaming pandora in my car. 4G LTE is always enabled with the exception of work because I only get 3G in the building. When I go to bed at night battery is at 50%. Couldn't ask for better life from an android device.

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Wifi is a killer you say? That's just opposite on Android. I hope that's not the case with iPhone.

I just charged to 100%...4S don't let me down!!



Not sure what they meant by that. 3G aka cell takes more juice than wifi in both standby and download modes. Pretty widely known. I rarely use my iPad on 3G and when here at the house it's wifi only. Turning cell off greatly improves the capacity / time.

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Wifi is a killer you say? That's just opposite on Android. I hope that's not the case with iPhone.

I just charged to 100%...4S don't let me down!!


Not sure what they meant by that. 3G aka cell takes more juice than wifi in both standby and download modes. Pretty widely known. I rarely use my iPad on 3G and when here at the house it's wifi only. Turning cell off greatly improves the capacity / time.


Unless you turn off your cell radio while using the wifi radio it is going to eat your battery. It is possible to do this on an android and a iphone. Go into airplane mode first, then turn on wifi. Otherwise both radios will be turned on at the same time.

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Unless you turn off your cell radio while using the wifi radio it is going to eat your battery. It is possible to do this on an android and a iphone. Go into airplane mode first, then turn on wifi. Otherwise both radios will be turned on at the same time.


Hmmm!! With the horrible battery life in 3G on my EVO, if I switched to wifi, my batt life would nearly double, with the 3G radio still on. I never changed to airplane mode.



Not sure what they meant by that.


I thought he said he batt life was worse when on wifi.

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Unless you turn off your cell radio while using the wifi radio it is going to eat your battery. It is possible to do this on an android and a iphone. Go into airplane mode first, then turn on wifi. Otherwise both radios will be turned on at the same time.



I won't disagree that having both on is going to use more than just having wifi only. The phone has to maintain that wifi connection which sips power. However, I know using both directs the web use and downloading to wifi which is way more efficient. I don't shut off my wifi at home just to try and conserve a few bits of power when idle. I use my phone all the time.


Most of my use today has been with emails and text. I've had one conference call. I just find using dictation for emails is so superior to typing, even vs typing on my computer. If I used it like this on 3G only, not only would that be slower, but my battery would have dropped considerably more. I know, as I've tried all kinds of combos.


Here's where I'm at today after a full charge last night and a bright an early morning with my daughter who wouldn't go back to sleep. :fuuuu:



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