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SOPA- Internet censorship


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I'm against it.


'The bill would require internet service providers to filter DNS queries of offending websites, rendering them unresolvable. This would conflict with DNSSEC, a protocol introduced to prevent with illegitimate DNS tampering. This was criticized both by representatives and Google, who said "DNS blocking methods in bill will harm U.S. efforts to make Internet more secure."

Additionally, immunity provisions would allow internet service providers to preemptively block sites they believe to be in violation of included laws. Rep. Maxine Waters [D-CA] believes that "Immunity provisions will have unintended consequences, letting ISPs unfairly block sites that don't infringe."'

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LOL, look at the opposing organizations list:


Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, AOL, LinkedIn, Ebay, Mozilla, etc.


This shit will never pass. I say fuck the artists/intellectual property owners. Allowing the ability to block DNS traffic, all for the sake of them is plain retarded. This is a dangerous path the government is going down. I wont even go there.


Furthermore, the artists should be spending more money to secure their property, not sway the opinion of politicians. Instead of blocking traffic (never ending battle), how about creating better more secure applications? Don't filter my internet because you can't manage the distribution of your own product.

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porn: all the free stuff you see that someone ripped off another site or contains any types of links to copyrighted material would cause the site to be banned. Even amateur stuff that happens to have a tv or radio playing in the background could/would be blocked.


CR: blocked for linking to blocked sites, blocked for using copyrighted songs in videos, blocked for posting videos of races that are copyrighted......on and on


youtube: obviously blocked

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This bill is without a doubt one of the worst, if not the worst thing to enter Congress. It destroys more freedoms and puts in place the most censorship we've seen since WWII, and for no good fucking reason other than a bunch of butthurt people whose titty pics got leaked (exaggeration, but pretty much)



How the fuck they one up'd themselves already from THIS on tuesday...




I will never understand.

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Do you really think this will pass? Our leaders can't even get budget stuff to pass and this will piss off rich people so I think it will failbus.


this has very little visibility compared to some hot button issues. there was obviously enough support to draft a bill, and have more than a few congressional supporters.


who knows.

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