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School me on Projectors


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At my workplace I'd like to get a decent projector so that we can make presentations via projector from a laptop.


I have some questions:


1. what do i need to look for when buying one?


2. Can i get a decent one for under 400 bucks?


3. Can you reccomend me one in particular?

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what do i need to look for when buying one?
Brightness and resolution are two big concerns for me personally.


Can i get a decent one for under 400 bucks?
no. although new ones are getting much better for the price. You could probably find affordable new ones comparable to high end 2 year old ones for about the same price.


Can you reccomend me one in particular
not my market of expertise, sorry.
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its been about 2 years since I build my theatre but I used a 720p DLP projector and found it on clearance at the time with a two year warranty for 680.00


The best obviously is an LCD (or at least at the time) 1080 projector, my buddy has one and I watched it and noticed a crisper cleaner picture but for me not worth the extra 1g. The big thing I was always told to look for was color and brightness as well, but a lot of that can be changed in the settings during calibration. Some people are sensitive to seeing rainbows, and that has to do with the color wheel speed.


fortunately I do not have that issue so I could buy a less expensive projector.


IMO spend more money on your screen, there is much to be gained by using a quality screen for your light setting. I used a screen that cost me 800.00 but was worth every penny.

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Alot has to do with the screen. I spent $900 on a projector and was surprised to see how much screens costs after I had already got the projector. I went online and did some research on building my own screen and came out with the size I wanted (6x8) for $200. Also got to keep in mind the price of replacement bulbs as well. Dont be surprised a projector needing replacement after 2,000 hours of use but its been 2 years since I replaced the bulb so its not really a big concern just that my bulb cost $210 to replace.
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For home use epson actually makes one of the best theatre projectors.


my setup







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Since I'm building a theater at the moment and have a ton of this info on the brain I'll share some links that might make life easier on you.


http://www.visualapex.com/ - great website with tons of good combo deals (projector, screen, mount, hdmi cable)


http://www.projectorcentral.com/ - great great great website for reviews and a screen calculator tool (screen size with relation to throw distance varies by projector)


For a projector I'd look at anything from Optima, Epson or Panasonic. I started with a Pani AX-200u that I got on craigslist with a 106" pull down screen for 400 bucks. Shouldn't be hard to find these kinds of deals if you are ok with used. The Optima HD66 is a bad@ss projector for the money and is very close to your budget, i think they run in the 475 realm. Spend some time reading on the projector central link above.


Screen wise you can go the stupid easy route and get something off of Amazon, Visual Apex or Monoprice. If you want the cheap route you can go DIY like myself and get a piece of 6mm Sintra board from a local plastics place, spray a screen paint on it and have an image quality that rivals a 900+ dollar screen for 1/3 the price. If you want to go even easier than that you can leave the Sintra alone and project on the bright white, or you can get a WilsonArt Laminate Dynamic White board from Lowes or Home Depot, or White Melamine available at Menards for 24 dollars (your screen size will be limited to below 100 inches...if that matters). Keep in mind these are all fixed frame solutions. If you go with one of these solutions you'll have more money leftover to spend on the projector.


http://www.avsforum.com - you could spend years reading on this website. Its the largest of its kind with tons of info - lots of great ideas, reviews....etc

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