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Ndamukong Suh... too much or too little?


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Monster of a player, idiot of a person on the field. He cannot keep his emotions under control at all.


If it wasn't for the leg stomp I would have no real complaints about him. He plays football hard and fast, like its supposed to be play. Its not his fault the NFL is now a pussy ass league that puts QB, WR's and TE's in training bras and dresses. Two clean hits last night were flagged for "unneccesary roughness", umm isn't it the defenders job to hit? Players like Jack Tatum would be broke as fuck due to fines levied against them for clean hard hits. Thats why I prefer college (even though there I think the excessive celebration rule is fucking dumb)

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Monster of a player, idiot of a person on the field. He cannot keep his emotions under control at all.


If it wasn't for the leg stomp I would have no real complaints about him. He plays football hard and fast, like its supposed to be play. Its not his fault the NFL is now a pussy ass league that puts QB, WR's and TE's in training bras and dresses. Two clean hits last night were flagged for "unneccesary roughness", umm isn't it the defenders job to hit? Players like Jack Tatum would be broke as fuck due to fines levied against them for clean hard hits. Thats why I prefer college (even though there I think the excessive celebration rule is fucking dumb)


Agreed. Between the whistles the NFL has become like an over-protective mother. These guys are payed multi-million dollar contracts to play a sport no one else on Earth could handle playing. Let them play.


As far as the after the whistle stuff, it is getting out of control. He should be suspended without pay, not sure about a whole season's worth, but at least more than two games.

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He's a hell of a player, a real throwback to the intensity possessed by steelers of the 70s or miami U of the 80s. But it simply comes down to this, you cant be effective riding the pine. Whats more troubling is that he took no responsibility for his actions, maintaining he "tripped" during the post game interview. lack of character and admitting your wrong is what i see wrong.



when it comes to fairness (what ever that means) or better yet consistency.


Roethlisberger-rape- 6 games plead down to 4

Suh-stomp-2 games.



seems legit.:rolleyes:

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Monster of a player, idiot of a person on the field. He cannot keep his emotions under control at all.


If it wasn't for the leg stomp I would have no real complaints about him. He plays football hard and fast, like its supposed to be play. Its not his fault the NFL is now a pussy ass league that puts QB, WR's and TE's in training bras and dresses. Two clean hits last night were flagged for "unneccesary roughness", umm isn't it the defenders job to hit? Players like Jack Tatum would be broke as fuck due to fines levied against them for clean hard hits. Thats why I prefer college (even though there I think the excessive celebration rule is fucking dumb)



You can't compare ANY sport from the 70's to now. It's like apples to oranges. Players are stronger, faster, and better conditioned.

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I'm good with his suspension, my Lions need him back. :)


It sickens me what some people will be ok happening with pro or college players when it's benefits their team. This is the mentality that leads down the road to little kids getting rapped and it being covered up.


You know what would happen if you kicked another person like that IRL? You would get charged with assault, a first degree missdemeanor.


One of my ex-coworkers once said it was a good thing that browns player hit and killed someone down in Miami so they could get rid of him. :dumb:

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I agree it was wrong, however assault is a stretch, when he did it, it was like he was a WWF wrestler. He does it with both legs and the majority of force and weight is on the off leg like he is hulk Hogan trying to make the loud noise from the ring floor in a WWF match. Sorry but I laughed, it looked dumb. Haynesworth's stomp was way worse.


Football is a violent sport, and if you think that is bad, you should hear the stories of what goes on at the bottom of piles on turnovers. Guys scratching eyes, I remember the player that was grabbing/twisting balls (not the football kind), pulling on injured body parts. Read about Bill Romanowski, that dude was "Dirty". Suh is far from Bill. Saying that leads to rape is a far reach. He is being punished, I never said I don't think he needs punished, or I want it covered up, hell the reports coming out of that lockeroom are that some teammates are happy he finally got suspended. He was costing the team some serious plays. I bet after this suspension, he never does this again. Jim will not put up with it. Several players have had this happen and after a suspension it never happens again.


When Jim took over the Lions after an 0-16 season, he didn't put up with any shit. The players were gangster parking, and parking in handicap spots, Jim didn't tell the players to mover their car, he called the nearest tow company and had them all towed until they started parking correctly. Jim was under belichick long ago, he is a good coach, they are trying to find a happy medium with Suh. He's the best in the league at his position, he doesn't need to change the way he plays, he just needs to control his frustration after the whistle, if you are really watching these games like I do Every sunday, I DVR them and watch film. He is double teamed most of the game and guys are trying to get him mad because they KNOW he has a temper. That is exactly what was going on in that play, guy was holding on to him, after the play, making him exhert more energy, tying to wear him down more. Teams are doing anything to try and stop this guy. He's a beast. Guy is young and wants to succeed, if the Lions cut him today, all 32 teams would be putting in a waiver request for him. The players and fans know what is going on because we don't just read the media about him. I'd be frustrated too if two guys were assigned to block me every play because I am that good. It would be hard to control yourself, you have a certain mentality to play that position.


A bunch of his penalties last year were bullshit penalties, the shove to cutler was one, both hands were open and pushed him to the ground, Cutler was running, he was no longer a QB he was a RB and was not sliding, he pushed him to the ground with open hands and they called him for a personal foul. The other that comes to mind is the horse collar penalty against him last year, he had all hair, (Hair is perfectly legal to pull and tackle) yet again he was flagged. Horse collar your hand must be in the neck of the shoulder pads. I have seen this penalty called incorrectly way too much this year. Mostly guys pulling the jersey which is legal again. There needs to be challenges for personal fouls. The zebras are impacting the game too much, a lot of bad calls this year. It's ridiculous.


Restore the Roar

I'm looking at buying season tickets next year.

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It sickens me what some people will be ok happening with pro or college players when it's benefits their team. This is the mentality that leads down the road to little kids getting rapped and it being covered up.


You know what would happen if you kicked another person like that IRL? You would get charged with assault, a first degree missdemeanor.


One of my ex-coworkers once said it was a good thing that browns player hit and killed someone down in Miami so they could get rid of him. :dumb:


Assault charges have been filed on professional players in the past. Its just that most players dont take it that seriously. In the heat of the moment people do dumb stuff all the time. This guys issue is he does it repeatedly. If it was one and done no one would care.

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You can't compare ANY sport from the 70's to now. It's like apples to oranges. Players are stronger, faster, and better conditioned.


And you point is what exactly? If they don't want to be hit then they should join the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, wait one of those took a good shot a couple weeks ago too. Football is about hitting, plain and simple, you should be in favor of hitting as you're a hockey fan. Which btw how is fighting on the rink not assault?

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And you point is what exactly? If they don't want to be hit then they should join the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, wait one of those took a good shot a couple weeks ago too. Football is about hitting, plain and simple, you should be in favor of hitting as you're a hockey fan. Which btw how is fighting on the rink not assault?


Whats funny is a defense cant hit a wideout until they make a football move, but offense can crack back on an unexpecting d player.

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And you point is what exactly? If they don't want to be hit then they should join the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, wait one of those took a good shot a couple weeks ago too. Football is about hitting, plain and simple, you should be in favor of hitting as you're a hockey fan. Which btw how is fighting on the rink not assault?


If that's your argument then why do they wear any protective gear at all? That's not how it was created... All games evolve.

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