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Fast and Furious (April 3rd)


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think they need to come out with another biker boyz type movie torqe was lame but biker boyz was good

What do you mean "torque" was lame? Jumping onto and off of trains while talking on a cell phone in one hand and a switchblade in the other is commonplace around here.

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I own BikerBoyz and Torque because I just bought them before I've ever watched them and I was disappointed. Bikerboyz was the better one, but it still was VERY cheezy and lame. Torque was that x2. BAD.

The opening scenes of Torque were cool. I'm a conservative rider myself but I'm always in awe of the guys that can drag a knee.

However the chick fights - aboard their bikes - without helmets I might add- were way overboard. Not to mention the train scene etc. The jet bike maneuvering thru city traffic - give me a break. I bought the movie without having seen it as well. It's entertaining when I have nothing else to watch.

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The opening scenes of Torque were cool. I'm a conservative rider myself but I'm always in awe of the guys that can drag a knee.

However the chick fights - aboard their bikes - without helmets I might add- were way overboard. Not to mention the train scene etc. The jet bike maneuvering thru city traffic - give me a break. I bought the movie without having seen it as well. It's entertaining when I have nothing else to watch.

the jet bike with the rider using no helmet i might add LOL. Im sure his eyes would have been in the back of his head after that run of fun.

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Serpent, I am going through this with my four year old daughter. She is having trouble with the whole Hollywood make believe thing, feel free to pm me and I'll go through it with you if needed:p

movies of modern real life events....should try to not become make believe.

hell, even star wars (which is total make believe on purpose) try to keep it real.

when I see things like tires squealing on dirt in a movie it just spews cheap moving making to me. if that scene hinges on the noise from the tires, it was written, produced, directed by morons.

if I want to see make believe movies, I would watch childrens cartoons. I don't want to be subjected to "entertainment for children" if I'm watching an adult movie.

now seeing a car chase and hearing a tire squeal even if the car happens to be in a little dirt or something is one thing, to blatantly expect me to be entertained by poor movie making such as a car that is already moving do a wheelie all the while it's driving on the dirt, is absurd and asinine.

it doesn't go with the movie in other words. if the movie was obviously make believe (so to say) then that would make sense in the movie. but we are talking about events of real life. it's not the same if they ramped a car and kept driving. even though we all know that can't happen.

but a car doing a rolling wheelie on a dirt road? that's idiotic and disrespectful to everyones intelligence in my opinion.

that's why I don't go see movies such as this. it's supporting the ignorance.

Edited by serpentracer
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All movies are fake. Great entertainment.

What??? you can't mean... it just can't be....I've spent all the years modeling my life after James Bond only to hear he never really existed..

The martial arts, the flying lessons, stunt riding, wine tasting classes, English lessons ( real English not American), memorization of every military plane, vehicle etc since WWII not to mention etiquete school...

The investment in tuxedos alone required 2 extra jobs...

all to emulate a non-existent person...

Oh well... back to beer and buffalo wings

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