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hypothetical wreck, whos at fault


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I will try to explain this the best I can without a diagram. Imagine a upside down "T" intersection, someone parks on the curb of the leg of the "T"(right hand side) at at the intersection clearly on his side where one would normally park. Another car is turning left onto the same street as the parkedar is reversing, The approaching car may or may not have gauged the turn based on the fcat the car is reversing or clearly just didnt turn enough. The front passenger corner of the approaching car hits the rear drivers side bumper of the reversing car. Whos in the wrong?
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The reversing car is stupid for parking in such a location, but unless that car's white reverse lights were out, I would think the car making the turn could be cited for either failure to yield (the reversing car is in the proper lane and in motion, thus has right of way) or assured clear distance (the usual citation you get for rear-ending someone).
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if you are in reverse you are always automatically at fault, to the best of my knowledge. Kinda like if you rear end someone you are automatically at fault




not true..


Turning car would be at fault.

Backing car has right away. AS LONG as he has entered the main roadway before the other car turned..


however, im sure they turning car would say they started the turn before the other car started backing.

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I see now. Just based on THESE facts I would probably cite the turning driver. If I saw everything in person on a real road and had more to go off I might not cite either person and just do a report for insurance reasons.


Damage scale though?? None? Little?

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Car backing, as it sounds like the turning car had control of lane......


Ya its really a tough call.


If I SAW the lanes I would be able to make a better decision for sure.


Parking spots ON street or car just randomly parked?

So many facts needed ha

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