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Called in to work REALLY


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So I am on call this weekend and its had its ups and downs so far but oh well it comes with the territory. So I am at the in laws in Dublin opening presents and my on call phone rings. So I break out the laptop and can't get connected to their wireless because they dont remember the password. REALLY????? I told the wife to check on this for me last week so I could be prepared and bring an Air card if I needed to. She tells me everything is good to go. So I dont check out an air card for the weekend, I know my fault. Well anyways while the rest of the family is eating Christmas dinner, I am typing this from my computer at work. It amazes me what people think an emergency is. Out of the 20 plus calls I have taken from our EMERGENCY on call phone, not a single one of them has been any kind of emergency. I really had to come in here for a password reset that the user does not even need until 8pm tonight. And she knew I had to drive in to work for this because I called her. She just could not wait. I guess the best part is she didnt have any security information on file so no password reset for you lady.
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I would have assessed the situation before running straight to work. Had i known it was just a password reset and didnt need it until 8 i wouldnt have done anything. Especially today.


I did speak with her before I came in to work and she was freaking out about how she needed it right away. I said but you just told me 8pm. She says well thats when I go on call and Ill need it then. I say ok can I do it when I get home around 7:30? Oh no no no. I can just see how it would have went if I told her no. I would have certainly heard about it on Tuesday. I mean all in all I get paid extra for being on call and REALLY extra for doing it during a holiday so I guess I kinda had it in the back of my mind that this was a possibility. I guess I was just hoping that it wouldnt. And since I have been here I have recieved 3 more call. NONE of which were emergencies HA HA HA.

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Awe cut the poor guy some slack. Wait...nevermind. Dude, you know you only need a password to connect wirelessly, right? If you would have plugged in directly with a gool old-fashoined patch cable you would have been back to grab-ass with rels in no time. No reset needed. That being said...you need a better support process. I always make my guys pair-up so no one gets stuck ruining their holidays. You should have had a backup person that could have had your back. Oh, and a more experienced supervisor who would have clued you in to why you weren't really stuck at all.
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or just hack the router to get the password and you would have been set. chances are if they cant remember it its probably just a WEP code.


But join the party, Im on call 24/7 365 regardless of whats going on.


You you can never go out of town, or get trashed?





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I crack up with all the people who have these easy solutions. I have a 10 min callback time, I had no network cable, I was at a relatives who doesnt have a clue what they even have. Do you honestly think I would have driven in to the office if the solution were that easy?????


I could have tethered in using my phone but by the time it would have taken me to set that up on my work laptop and then connect to VPN and then RDP in to my machine at work, my signal would have been garbage and it would have taken me 30 min just to get signed in.


And yes, yes I was bitching about something that I signed up for. :)

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So I am on call this weekend and its had its ups and downs so far but oh well it comes with the territory. So I am at the in laws in Dublin opening presents and my on call phone rings. So I break out the laptop and can't get connected to their wireless because they dont remember the password. REALLY????? I told the wife to check on this for me last week so I could be prepared and bring an Air card if I needed to. She tells me everything is good to go. So I dont check out an air card for the weekend, I know my fault. Well anyways while the rest of the family is eating Christmas dinner, I am typing this from my computer at work. It amazes me what people think an emergency is. Out of the 20 plus calls I have taken from our EMERGENCY on call phone, not a single one of them has been any kind of emergency. I really had to come in here for a password reset that the user does not even need until 8pm tonight. And she knew I had to drive in to work for this because I called her. She just could not wait. I guess the best part is she didnt have any security information on file so no password reset for you lady.



lol. When I do on call shit users are SOL as your password is not considered a critical outage. If they are lucky I will call them back so I can log the time.

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I crack up with all the people who have these easy solutions. I have a 10 min callback time, I had no network cable, I was at a relatives who doesnt have a clue what they even have. Do you honestly think I would have driven in to the office if the solution were that easy?????


There has to be a network cable going to the router from the modem, unless there is somesort of wireless modem-to-router technology im not aware of.


1.Unplug said cable (at the router).


2.Plug cable into your laptop.


3.Restart modem and your online.


Takes 30 seconds.


4.Repeat steps to get the router back online.

Edited by acklac7
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I usually keep my laptop on me as well because technically I'm always on call. When I'm in a pinch I'll feather the Droid and that works. You said that you VPN and RDP. What kind of mobile support do you have? I can use both my iPhone (Verizon) and iPad (AT&T) to VPN and RDP into our network and given its a little slower but it works great and covers just about any situation.
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I crack up with all the people who have these easy solutions. I have a 10 min callback time, I had no network cable, I was at a relatives who doesnt have a clue what they even have. Do you honestly think I would have driven in to the office if the solution were that easy?????


I could have tethered in using my phone but by the time it would have taken me to set that up on my work laptop and then connect to VPN and then RDP in to my machine at work, my signal would have been garbage and it would have taken me 30 min just to get signed in.


And yes, yes I was bitching about something that I signed up for. :)


This is CR where everybody knows more than you, has already done it, and everything works the first time.

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Moral of story is.... avoid low end help desk job so you can avoid present opening interruptions :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:


my low end help desk job only received 1 call over the 6 days i was off. Fuck if i was answering my company paid phone...

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There has to be a network cable going to the router from the modem, unless there is somesort of wireless modem-to-router technology im not aware of.


1.Unplug said cable (at the router).


2.Plug cable into your laptop.


3.Restart modem and your online.


Takes 30 seconds.


4.Repeat steps to get the router back online.



The router and modem are 1 unit so no there was no ethernet cable.

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I usually keep my laptop on me as well because technically I'm always on call. When I'm in a pinch I'll feather the Droid and that works. You said that you VPN and RDP. What kind of mobile support do you have? I can use both my iPhone (Verizon) and iPad (AT&T) to VPN and RDP into our network and given its a little slower but it works great and covers just about any situation.


We have a laptop and BB that we rotate for the on call. Our company policy does not allow any non company owned equipment to touch our network.

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