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SLR iphone adaptor


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but in the end, while a novel idea, not worth $250 for the adapter. You're better off buying a pocket zoom camera and carrying it. Safer, smaller and less expensive.


Also, the capabilities of the a Canon L Lens far exceeds what the capabilities of the phones tiny sensor offer. Not to mention DOF is dependent on sensor size so there's not benefit there.


Not to mention that's a hell of a dangerous way to wield a $1,200+ lens.

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I'd like to see some photos showing the differences of the iPhones camera and how much one of those would help


What are you looking for?



That's all you're going to get. IQ isn't going to change and in some cases is going to be worse.


They talk of having DOF but the only DOF that's going to result is if you use a zoom lens at the long end and stand back. The size of the sensor on the crop body digital camera like a Canon T3/Rebel is already limiting at 1.5x and greatly reduced the capability of the lenses used to really shine. The iPhone is 7.3x. Any Bokeh that would result would be magnified too and as much as I love my iP4s and use it's camera in place of a point and shoot, it's Bokeh displays horrible characteristics.


Of the adapters I've seen, this one is about the best in IQ: Schneider Optics

Edited by TTQ B4U
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