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Pro's and con's on droid phones


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Iv had an iPhone for ever now and I'm thinking about changing so if you could share your experience of the droid phones it would be veary helpful


android = a linux based mobile phone operating system

droid = a line of verizon android phones


The more you know.

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Stick with your iphone. or get a 4s. Camera sucks on all the android phones. the EVO 3d was advertised to have a baller camera, but in actuality it sucks. very grainy on any setting, and can never get the lighting right.


I owned a iphone 4 and apps are not better on the android. Theyre about the same. the whole "there way more apps for android" is absolutely not true.


android = a linux based mobile phone operating system

droid = a line of verizon android phones


The more you know.


This shit pisses me off too.

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If you're a heavy google user, the android phones have much, much better google integration. much better. And the google maps app on android is much, much better. Either of those could potentially be a dealbreaker.


If I could run android on my 4S I'd be happier than a pig in shit. The market fragmentation caused by a gabillion different handsets is really doing a disservice to android, IMO, because the hardware and accessories just aren't as nice as Apple's.

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Camera sucks on all the android phones.


Honestly, the N8 and soon N9 have the very best cameras and lens design hands down. 4s is good and is an excellent low end P&S replacement but the bokeh sucks so don't count on Leica like images, but again, hats off to the N8.

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Android pros and cons compared to iPhone:



- Doesn't have that cookie cutterness to it, so it's not a "one size fits all phone"

- You won't be seen as hip and cool in iphone circles



-Awesome free navigation

-A desktop or background that allows you to arrange icons and widgets any way you want similiar to a computer's desktop

-Be free from itunes

-Universal notifications (yes the iphone has it now but it sucks)

-True multi-tasking (iphone sucks at it)

-Flash (i don't care what you say, it's nice to be able to view it)

- Many Hardware choices

- Micro usb charging (the world standard for cellphones)

- Do whatever the fuck you want with it.



Iphone is easier to use

iphone gets better battery life

You need a computer degree to use an android

Iphone has a better camera


My phone has some very cool features built into the camera. Tons of effects, panoramic, time lapse video recording, take a picture while taking a video...

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Def just going to be an argument.


My Nexus can go 2 1/2 days on battery with little to moderate use. Ide hardly call that bad battery really. Its modded of course which brings me to my main point of posting...


If you like a phone that JUST WORKS and IS WHAT IT IS.. stick with the Apple.

If you want to mess with it like nerds do and make it exactly how YOU want it to be... get the android based phone.

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If you like a phone that JUST WORKS and IS WHAT IT IS.. stick with the Apple.


This was actually the most disappointing thing for me. I felt like my android phone "just worked" way better than my iPhone. Log into google on it and your calender, mail, contacts, everything was just there. Notifications all worked correctly out of the box. Google maps, search for something, click "directions, navigate" or whatever, and you're navigating.


I had to tinker a bunch with my iPhone to get some semblance of consistency. It'd probably be better if I didn't rely on google for everything, but I think google did a great job of making Android "just work" as long as you're willing to give your life over to google. And that was despite HTC's best efforts at fucking it all up.

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If you like a phone that JUST WORKS and IS WHAT IT IS.. stick with the Apple.

If you want to mess with it like nerds do and make it exactly how YOU want it to be... get the android based phone.


I disagree with both those statements. I've seen plenty of things not work on iphones. And now with ICS, it's even more user friendly.

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This was actually the most disappointing thing for me. I felt like my android phone "just worked" way better than my iPhone. Log into google on it and your calender, mail, contacts, everything was just there. Notifications all worked correctly out of the box. Google maps, search for something, click "directions, navigate" or whatever, and you're navigating.


I had to tinker a bunch with my iPhone to get some semblance of consistency. It'd probably be better if I didn't rely on google for everything, but I think google did a great job of making Android "just work" as long as you're willing to give your life over to google. And that was despite HTC's best efforts at fucking it all up.


Sounds like if you were so reliant on Google to being with why did you go with an iPhone and not an Android device that is based on Google?

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