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Pro's and con's on droid phones


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If you're a heavy google user, the android phones have much, much better google integration. much better. And the google maps app on android is much, much better. Either of those could potentially be a dealbreaker.


If I could run android on my 4S I'd be happier than a pig in shit. The market fragmentation caused by a gabillion different handsets is really doing a disservice to android, IMO, because the hardware and accessories just aren't as nice as Apple's.


Why? You can get much better hardware on an Android phone.

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Sounds like if you were so reliant on Google to being with why did you go with an iPhone and not an Android device that is based on Google?


I had an HTC Incredible for a 18 months, the battery life was shit and everyone stopped making accessories for it 2 weeks after the launch because it was old news. I like the iPhone itself, I'm happy with my decision to switch, but it's not all sunshine and roses is all.


Why? You can get much better hardware on an Android phone.


Better, and yet somehow not as good. It's a matter of opinion.

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Has anyone in this thread actually owned a good android AND and iphone 4 or 4s?


if not, leave thread immediately.


touch input is much more refined on the 4. for some reason im ALWAYS hitting wrong keys when typing on my 3D. ive tried calibrating the screen, but still cant get it right.

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I had an HTC Incredible for a 18 months, the battery life was shit and everyone stopped making accessories for it 2 weeks after the launch because it was old news.


Accessories, etc...is other huge benefit of an iPhone. Over the years of having phones prior to my move to iPhones severa years back, my wife and I have a small tub of chargers, plugs, adapters, ect. that were always ever changing. Now even after 3 version of iPhones, the wife and I still use the same chargers and accessories (outside a case change) as we did from our old versions. No need to buy a new $20 car charger with every new phone.

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Has anyone in this thread actually owned a good android AND and iphone 4 or 4s? if not, leave thread immediately.


Yes. I used a couple HTC's and still have plenty of access as our company supports both.


Every single rep I have in the field has a choice of phones to use and can switch anytime to any of the 8 different ones we support and only one of them is on an Android device. However, he is old and hates change so he litterally still has his phone that's a couple three years old.

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I'm in the "can't we all just get along?" camp. I would say that no real argument has been made one way or another, so go to a store for your carrier and play with some different phones. Someone should come up with a service to let people test drive phones for a while to really get an idea for what daily use with each is like.
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I have used both... iPhone is actually a nice device... with that being said, it really all depends on what you want... like as stated above iPhone is what it is, Android you can pretty much do what you want.


people who say battery life sucks don't know what they are talking about... there's an outstanding thing called extended batteries, my thunderbolt goes at least 2 days without a charge.


I recommend trying both and deciding from there what you really want.

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I just switched from the droid bionic to the iPhone 4s although

I swore I'd never give into the apple craze. The big deal breaker

for me was the droids have the worst battery life I've ever experienced

with a phone. I will say that although they each have their own

advantages over the other it really comes down to personal preference.

Most providers have at least a 30 day return guarantee so pick one

and try it out. I will say that the iPhone seems to be much more well

sorted out and much less problematic. I know that didn really answer

your question definitively but I really think they're so close in capabilities

that it's really personal preference.

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I just switched from the droid bionic to the iPhone 4s although

I swore I'd never give into the apple craze. The big deal breaker

for me was the droids have the worst battery life I've ever experienced

with a phone. I will say that although they each have their own

advantages over the other it really comes down to personal preference.

Most providers have at least a 30 day return guarantee so pick one

and try it out. I will say that the iPhone seems to be much more well

sorted out and much less problematic. I know that didn really answer

your question definitively but I really think they're so close in capabilities

that it's really personal preference.


Just curious, but how does this happen?

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I just switched from the droid bionic to the iPhone 4s although

I swore I'd never give into the apple craze. The big deal breaker

for me was the droids have the worst battery life I've ever experienced

with a phone. I will say that although they each have their own

advantages over the other it really comes down to personal preference.

Most providers have at least a 30 day return guarantee so pick one

and try it out. I will say that the iPhone seems to be much more well

sorted out and much less problematic. I know that didn really answer

your question definitively but I really think they're so close in capabilities

that it's really personal preference.



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Just got a Galaxy Nexus (Jeez, who thinks up the names for these things?). Can someone point me to the list of 'must have' applications?




Google Wallet. Google even gives you $10 for signing up.




Galaxy Nexus comes from Samsung's Galaxy line of phones + Nexus (Nexus = Pure Google goodness)

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4.3 inch screen



that's 2 things you don't get with an iphone


I would say this is a preference thing also. The 4S has HSPA+, and I find Android phones with comically large screens unwieldy. Not to mention, with Verizon's latest statement of "No new phones on our network won't be LTE" and the recent launch of AT&T's LTE network, the next iPhone is almost certainly LTE.

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I took my run of the mill Droid Incredibad on my deployment. At the time, I just planned to use it for pictures/vids/alarm and found it to work for playing music and overall a decent time killer. Battery life was excellent as I had no service, but, it did survive 120+F tucked in an ammo pouch, drops from getting in and out of MATVs, and even a poorly aimed EFP that sent our Cougar over on its side.
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I for one love my Cappy No locked down bull shit like you get with iphone. Praying that the next upgrade does not break your jail break or what ever else. I've owned a Iphone 3g and I don't think I could ever go back But I will admit the androids are more of a geeks phone.



My wife loves her iphone 4s btw.

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