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Raising the Speed Limit to 70 on I71


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Or, instead of giving BS speeding tickets they could cite people for ACTUALLY doing dumb shit like I don't know... Blocking the passing lane(s)? Or maybe tailgating? Or driving at night without their fucking lights on? Or maybe they could just fuck off.


The speed limit could be 140mph, and I could still only go as fast as the fucktard ahead of me.


that shit drives me nuts.

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Heard about this again on the radio this morning. I hope everyone sees the state patrol is mega-full of shit since the turnpike raised the speed limit and OMG erryone didn't die. The opposite happened! That and the "If people have CCW our troopers will bee in a war zone!" bullshit. OSHP needs to disband. Seriously. I'd be happy with unlimited speeds and people just getting cited for being unsafe, der de der.
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Care to explain?


It is a well established fact that the vast majority of Ohio drivers can not drive at 65 MPH. So lets go ahead and rais it to 70!


I have seen 2 cars on their roofs on a clear sunny dry day. How the fuck do ppl even manage to do that?

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Care to explain?


It is a well established fact that the vast majority of Ohio drivers can not drive at 65 MPH. So lets go ahead and rais it to 70!


I have seen 2 cars on their roofs on a clear sunny dry day. How the fuck do ppl even manage to do that?


I get what you're saying, but speed really has very little to do with it. If your suck at driving, you suck at driving no matter what speed. I can honestly say, every time I get pissed at someone for being an idiot when driving it's been at low speeds. Either driving way too slow, hitting the brakes every 5 seconds, not using turn signals...etc.

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Um you can't use turn signals in this city, if you signal a lane change on 270 the person you are moving infront of floors it to close the gap. Fuck turn signals. If I'm in the turn only lane and you are under the impression I am going straight, punch your mama in the mouth for me.


The only time I signal is making a left or right at an intersection where it is unclear if you are going straight or turning. I agree it sucks to wait to turn right with a car coming only to turn with no signal before it gets to you.

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The nice thing about my DD, is that it's big and heavy and that I don't give a shit if someone were to cut in front of me without using turn signals and I had no time to react to it. I'll just have to buff the Subaru logo off my bumper and be done with it. I might even help them pull their wreckage out the ditch.



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The highway state patrol has safety concerns . . . really?


Those idiots think every change is going to kill people, does the new 65mph limit for semi trucks kill thousands of people, no. Actually it makes our drives on those highways alot easier and safe do to less congestion around slower moving trucks.

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