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What SMS program are you using? I had Handcent for a while, I liked it a lot and it worked great, but now it's a giant piece of fuck and force closes pretty much every other time I send or receive a message. Tried reinstalling and all that, no luck. I guess one of the latest updates totally fucked it up because a ton of other people are having problems with it. I have a stock G2, not rooted or any of that.


I tried GoSMS Pro and it has too much useless bullshit, and the themes are girly and I didn't like the interface. I tried Chomp a long time ago, wasn't impressed. The default messaging app is pretty lame, it really pisses me off that every picture message I get is an 8 second slideshow and I can't save the image to my phone.


Are there any other decent SMS apps? I don't understand why they can't make a working SMS app for Android phones, or why the stock one sucks so much.

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I use Handcent with no problems. The last update did slow down the keyboard response when typing a bit in the pop up window though but I'm on 4.0.3 and the newest updates were geared toward that. Maybe try rolling back to an older version?


I don't know why some messages come through as the slideshow video type thing. It rarely happens, but when it does it's annoying. To save it though, you just long press on the play image and select "copy attached to SD card"

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I've tried the long press on the play image, and it still won't prompt me to copy it to the SD card. I've always had problems with the stock MMS, I remember when I first got the phone, it was impossible to even send a picture message. Weird I know.


How would I get an older version of Handcent? That seems like a good option

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I use GoSMSPro and just use a plain black theme, not girly at all. I'm running Gingerbread on a Droid Bionic and it doesn't feel bloated at all.


I like a simple interface and it wouldn't let me get rid of the Go Chat, paintbrush, smiley face, sound clip etc buttons. I also didn't see an option to choose my own background, it just had some ugly themes to choose from as far as I could tell.


I use the stock sms app because there is zero issues with it.


I should clarify, SMS is ok, but the stock MMS has been nothing but problems for me

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Not to thread jack, but what do you guys use for keyboards? do these sms apps come with custom keyboards? the all black keyboard im using, i hit the wrong buttons wayy too often. Never had the problem with my iphone. The stock one is okay, but still not great.
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