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I am fighting a state building code that could potentially cost me $3-6k. For those that dont know building codes are written very vague and whoever is reading them is suppose to interprete them how they see fit. I read it one way but the official reviewer gets to decide the decision. I can fight his decision with the state dept who has ultimate say(costs $200 plus waiting time).


Heres the main issue, and I could go on for an entire page of how I was screwed over 10 other times before this which most would be ballistic over. I need to submit a stamped drawing from an architect which will cost me roughly $2k. When this is reviewed it could be decided I need to spend the $3-6k which halts my project right now and I wasted the $2k for the architect. Or I keep fighting like hell to try and get a generic answer to the $3-6k question before I proceed with the drawing. What would you do?

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Realllly depends on the drawings? 2K is a lot! Are they whole house Construction Documents!? If it is residential (and not electrical or plumbing) you shouldnt need any stamped...


Also the building code was just updated. Not sure exactly what sections but we just went from OBC 2006 to OBC 2009

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It is a commercial project and the law states I can do my own drawings but the reviewer is allowed to decide if they will accept them which this 3rd party company Reynoldsburg is now contracted with states they will not. Mind you I was told by their onsite inspector they would prior to this process and me spending an entire weekend drawing up and $100 making all the copies that are required. I dont want to lose $2k because the reviewer wont answer a simple question about how he is going to interpret the code. I have already lost $1000 in storage and 2 months time.
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Yeah they can be real bastards. In the end it is their way or the highway usually. There are a few jurisdictions that are a pleasure to work with (ie. Franklin Co., and usually the City of Columbus) and the bad, like Union County, and a few others..


If you have any specific questions I can try my best to help out! Residential is my bread and butter, but I can usually navigate the code decently

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I assumed the health dept was going to be my biggest hurtle but that came back approved in 2 days and it was my handdrawn drawings. I understand this company doesnt want to be responsible for accepting and approval by drawings which wouldnt show every single detail, I moved on from that. But to give me a generic opinion based on the situation I explain to them doesnt seem like I am asking for much. I even told them I understand the answer may be different once they see the actual plans in person.
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No Reynoldsburg is feeling the lack of fund crunch. The guy who used to be the official went to Pickerington for better pay. From what I hear nobody will work for what they are offering hence why they went with the 3rd party. The company is a few hrs away in Mentor. When there was an actual official(Reynoldsburg employee) on site he would come out and look at what your doing and see how the code applies with a reasonable interpretation based on what he see's. The on site employee for the 3rd party company is only authorized to see if the approved plans by his company is actually whats been done. When I was first considering Columbus I was able to walk in and meet right away with an official and ask him questions. These guys wont even take my calls, which I figured by law they were suppose to provide fair and professional advice.
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I finally received a return phone call with the answer I have been waiting for. Why it took this long and not just given to me the first time around, I have no idea. Now if I can get ahold of the architect and see if he feels this exception I found in the code book will get me out of spending the $3-6k, I should be set. Of course getting ahold of him could take 2 damn weeks alone. Whats crappy is this architect is going to take my drawings, add a little detail to specific areas, stamp them and still charge me $2k.
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I was warned about not coming into Reynoldsburg by 9 seperate business owners we know and by staff of Reynoldsburg's own govt were friends with. The wife has made up her mind so it shall be. The first place we looked at was 2 mins from the house but Columbus, the rent was to high. Were going about 10 mins away and she thinks it's to far, lol. I have met with the mayor and various other officials over the last few months and documented my experience. Once I get my doors open I will address these issues more in depth so that nobody has to go through the same thing. Its not right/fair for me and I cant just let it go for someone else.
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