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BOSS 302 Owner Kit


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This arrived yesterday. It's commonly called "Boss Owner Kit"; little doodahs that Ford sends to new Boss 302 owners including a letter. The key fob is engraved with the car number (2057). Apparently my car is #750 among competition-orange Boss 302's.


I love Ford nowadays; I bought a much higher-profile car from GM and they are nowhere near Ford when it comes to customer relation. Ford even extended my Autoweek subscription for another year.










That's cool! I had no idea they gave those out.

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Thanks :)


I have second thoughts about 200-mph Mustang though. Truly, 200 mph in a Z06 is okay. I squirm at the idea of 200 mph in a Mustang. Of course Brady of PPC went 180+ mph and he came out unscathed.


GT500 feels rock solid at those supralegal speeds. Or so I heard. :masturboy: Bet your Boss is exactly the same.

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