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Suprised there is no discussion of ACTA (Worse than SOPA)


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Haven't really heard any discussion of it anywhere other than infowars... Obama signed it so looks like you nerds will have to find somewhere else to wine besides the internet.







For those of you who do not have access to the unexplained, top secret, alien technology that is GOOGLE.

Edited by Archie
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Haven't really heard any discussion of it anywhere other than infowars... Obama signed it so looks like you nerds will have to find somewhere else to wine besides the internet.




Whatever you do don't post a link or any additional information, that would be way to helpful...

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So as things stand now:


China can say "I don't like what you said" and force the whole website you posted on to be shut down. (ACTA)


Then your name will be put on a watch list and the US government can then read your e-mails and listen to your phone calls. (Homeland Security)


And if you say something THEY don't like, they can show up at your front door and toss a black bag over your head and drag you off to some place where no one will ever find you. (NDAA)

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Nice edit, and if you think google is not controled by the evil people you fear, you are the biggest sheep of them all...






I do not fear them. There are some simple people on this site that only trust google / wikipedia.


Everytime I post an infowars link people on here get all butt-hurt so I'll let them do their own research.

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So as things stand now:


China can say "I don't like what you said" and force the whole website you posted on to be shut down. (ACTA)


Then your name will be put on a watch list and the US government can then read your e-mails and listen to your phone calls. (Homeland Security)


And if you say something THEY don't like, they can show up at your front door and toss a black bag over your head and drag you off to some place where no one will ever find you. (NDAA)


This is correct. And I guess it is somewhat deserved when our country worships people like the Kardashians and losers on American Idol, vote for puppets like obama/gingrich/santorum/romney, and stuff toxins into their guts.


Got my guns and waiting for the aliens to save us (post aliens guy plz)

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And if you say something THEY don't like, they can show up at your front door and toss a black bag over your head and drag you off to some place where no one will ever find you. (NDAA)



That place is Gitmo, and you will have no right to trial to boot. :)

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yea that sounds like something Obama would do.


EDIT getting my facts straight


For some reason I was thinking ACTA was the thing Lamar Smith has on the backburner. It is not. What he does have is this pile of trash:




Trying to hide data-storing mandates under the guise of "Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers" :nono:

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That place is Gitmo, and you will have no right to trial to boot. :)


That's the whole point to these laws. They've always been able to do what I described. But in the past, they had to stand before a judge and justify their actions (in theory). Essentially these laws say "We don't feel we need to justify our actions to anyone." If their actions were in the right, then it shouldn't be a big deal to explain them to a judge and get approval. So why do they want to do these things without a judge's approval? Must be because what they want to do isn't in the right.

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where "he" = "every politician ever"


Yes. But Obama has pissed me off the worst because he actually seemed like he was going to be on the right side of history (didnt want to use the word "change", fuck) and he fucking LIED like a bitch. At least with Bush you knew what you were getting - one crooked, sociopathic fuck.

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Yes. But Obama has pissed me off the worst because he actually seemed like he was going to be on the right side of history (didnt want to use the word "change", fuck) and he fucking LIED like a bitch. At least with Bush you knew what you were getting - one crooked, sociopathic fuck.


I'm with you there. I think Obama himself believed there was something he could do, not having been part of a political machine for years and years, but in the end its easier for him to be absorbed by the monster rather than fight it.

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