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Anyone suffer chronic pain, have rsd?


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Stemming from my injury 3 years ago I constantly have pain in my foot and basically from above the knee down. The pain is almost constant and severe when horizontal and includes sharp stabbing pains, spasms, burning, aching and basically feeling like my bones are broke even in areas not injured. Something called RSD was brought up by a few Dr.s and I recently had an evaluation by one who stated he doesnt feel thats what I have. Despite his opinion, based on how I see it defined online I meet most of symptoms. I dont know what to do at this point, anyone have a rsd diagnosis?
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I don't know what rsd is but I suffer from extreeeeeme back pain.. at times my legs just go out, my back locks up and I can't physically move, and all around excruciating pain. Fml haha


Same here I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (basically my back is slowly fusing into a solid column of bone). Pain stops when the fusing is done. But I am on some really expencive drugs. lol

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