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career advisors/ financial advisor


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I feel I know what path I'm going to take with my career and finances for retirement. I would like to bounce it off someone, but they would need to know military and VA benefits, along with financial planning and Military job opportunities. My peers are on a way different path's, with family and a rocking chair, working until they are 120 years old, blah blah blah. I feel I'm pretty well dialed in on how to make it happen and being able to do so.


Who or where do you guys go for career advice or planning? Peers, your boss, or is your field one that evolves into something else down the line?


The financial planning is pretty simple. I get that part. I guess I just wish there was someone or place that knows all and can look at the plan and say " this is a better idea, or you will be all set if this all works". I have crunched my numbers. I have decided my comfort level I desire. I'm not looking to live rich, but I want to have fun, right up until I miss that 360 boned out tail grab and hit a fucking tree, snowboarding in the mountains of Hawaii.


I'm 37 and don't want to be tied to a career passed 50. Not that I won't work or make income. I just want to have the flexibility to determine how I spend my time. Whether it be teaching snowboarding at mad River for $7 an hour, or living the Winter in Park City and riding all I want, when I want.


I'm not looking for a life coach, but and informed person that knows the areas that pertain to my planning would be great. It seems too unrealistic to find someone who would know what I might not be thinking of.


Thoughts? Suggestions? Experiences?

I don't have kid's or financial obligations, and my girl is cool with this plan too.

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If you like, I can send this post over to my brother. He's getting into that sort of work now (has been doing mostly stock research/advising to mid-wealth clients), and might be interested in working some numbers just to get a feel for how your .mil and VA bennies affect the calculations compared to someone who only has a traditional pension or 401k/Roth to work with.
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Chris, i would like the option to run some of this by someone. If you wouldn't mind asking, I would appreciate it. I'm not home until the summer to really go over things, but it's on my mind quite a bit lately.


Clay, I value your outlook and consider you a wealth of knowledge in your field. Pun intended. Thank you for extending your offer to help. The VA and military stuff in pretty cut and dry. Based on at this time, you get $xxxx. I feel I am in the early stages still, but I'm trying to wrap my head around things. I have the current info and follow it as it increases due to cost of living. If you wouldn't mine keeping your offer to discuss this open, I would like to follow up with you once I'm back in Columbus. Thanks

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