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Lmao @ PowderRoom


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Amateur hour. Pure idiots on parade, but at least more than half will be recovered. Amazing that people this dumb were able to jack 100 firearms and get away right in downtown powell.


In b4 "OMG guns are littering the streets of columbus and murderers are errywhere!" Cudos to LE for being on top of this shit, well done.

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They've always been good to me, let me shoot free once since I only shot for like 15 minutes... rather kind of them! They were a bit foolish sounding to my girlfriend though, I can't remember what the guy said but it was her, me, and her father, and one of the guys made some comment about her, only mildly inappropriate but still rather curious.


Anyway, I side with the "they have to deal with a bunch of idiots and talkers all day, so cut 'em a little slack" argument mostly.


Though the other shops in town as far as I know put their guns in safes every night, I still feel bad for them, and if someone took out the wall and the city is suing them, that's some bullshit.

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