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Personal Bankers...


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What route did you take to get into personal banking. My degree is financial management and I graduate this summer. Many people have told me to become a bank teller. It may be a long shot but I would like to get into something part time until I graduate. I haven't done any internships yet which is probably my downfall. Any suggestions?
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I started with 5/3 in 2001 as a Commercial Associate: basically a banker-in-training program. They are doing the same program again in the summer, but you may need to move to Cincy, Atlanta, etc...


Being a teller is also a good start. If you want to get into investments a lot of broker/dealers will train n00bs out of college...be prepared to cold-call your ass off.


Are you open to moving somewhere else in the country?

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MOSt banks like huntington us bank and chase offer part time hours. start out as a teller and jump up to a personal banker quickly.


i know there are a ton of huntingtins opening up in giant eagles(new contracts all giant eagles will have huntingtins) and they are hiring alot of personal bankers . Apply for them , and go from there. I loved it when i did it.

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What route did you take to get into personal banking. My degree is financial management and I graduate this summer. Many people have told me to become a bank teller. It may be a long shot but I would like to get into something part time until I graduate. I haven't done any internships yet which is probably my downfall. Any suggestions?


Why would you want to be a personal banker...ever? No money and a lot of bullshit. If you are serious about it, I would suggest starting as a part-time teller while you're in school and go from there. IIRC, PNC in Powell is hiring for a part-timer right now.


As Clay said, if you want to be an investor you can easily find a job immediately out of college. But, be prepared to be someones bitch and work the phone alllll day long. The good news is that first company will sponsor you for your licensing. Just make sure the non-compete you sign doesn't make you their slave.


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I am just looking into it really, my orignal degree was financial planning. I changed because I figured it would be impossible to get into the investment side of things at such a young age. I am really the typical college kid and I don't know what the hell I want to do.
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MOSt banks like huntington us bank and chase offer part time hours. start out as a teller and jump up to a personal banker quickly.


i know there are a ton of huntingtins opening up in giant eagles(new contracts all giant eagles will have huntingtins) and they are hiring alot of personal bankers . Apply for them , and go from there. I loved it when i did it.


Oh dear lord don't go in store. Please for the love of all that is good and holy. You will hate life. Terrible hours.


Good people watching though.


I was a PB for Nat City, USB, and HNB. Total of 6 years. USB doesn't pay crap. HNB paid better and had good incentive. You can make some decent money there. Sales goals suck wherever you go but if you get into a good branch with a BM that knows what they're doing you'll be fine.


...I don't have a college degree. Just applied for a teller spot at NC and with sales experience got hired as a PB.

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