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Don't know the CCW law too well yet, but in other states, if there is a No Gun sign...you can still carry a weapon, but if you're asked to leave you just have to leave. It's not illegal to carry a weapon in a No Gun sign area (With exceptions to airports...yada yada)


This true with Ohio?

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ORC states


(3) (a) Except as provided in division ©(3)(b) of this section, the owner or person in control of private land or premises, and a private person or entity leasing land or premises owned by the state, the United States, or a political subdivision of the state or the United States, may post a sign in a conspicuous location on that land or on those premises prohibiting persons from carrying firearms or concealed firearms on or onto that land or those premises. Except as otherwise provided in this division, a person who knowingly violates a posted prohibition of that nature is guilty of criminal trespass in violation of division (A)(4) of section 2911.21 of the Revised Code and is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If a person knowingly violates a posted prohibition of that nature and the posted land or premises primarily was a parking lot or other parking facility, the person is not guilty of criminal trespass in violation of division (A)(4) of section 2911.21 of the Revised Code and instead is subject only to a civil cause of action for trespass based on the violation.
Words to key on are "conspicuous location" and "knowingly violates". Obviously the enumerated no carry zones are always off-limits, regardless of knowing, or signage.
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I was just there last night (carrying), and the sign from the west parking garage into the mall was a very small, 3", gun with a cross through it. If I hadn't been looking for it, I would have easily missed it. Not conspicuous at all. I ignored it.
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