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Home A/C - R-22 going sky high?


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Hey, can any HVAC specialists on CR confirm this article? If that's the case, I'll seriously schedule a tune-up at my house ASAP to avoid any hike in the fee. KTHX!




I learned last year that a 3-year gap in recharging my home A/C probably cost me a few hundred dollars just in electricity - let alone additional wear/tear on my weakened HVAC system - just to keep up with the summer heat. Preventative maintenance FTW.

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Correct, and it's too late for getting in before the cost increase. There was a 300-400% hike in price as of Jan 1 from all suppliers. It's like gas, the cost is directly funneled to consumers. And the above statement is 100% correct...these companies offering "tune-up" charges, are rip off artists. A properly functioning system will Never need any charge....it doesn't go bad, and shouldn't leak out unless there is an issue.

This is 100% Fact...this is my field of expertise.

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Huh. So, the $70-or-so spring tune-up Atlas Butler does doesn't include a freon charge?


I could swear it felt cooler all last summer. Maybe it was a placebo effect. :)


Nope, but $70 should cover the labor to make sure the compressor's running properly, the fan isn't stuck, and the condenser coils are clean. Clean coils == efficient HVAC.

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Anyone know if this relates to automotive R-134a? We're currently at low spring pricing, but it would be interesting to know how much I can expect the price to rebound in the next couple months.


Expect it to go up. Manufacturers are going to start to switch capacity to the new R-1234yf ("yf" referring to "your fucked"). With reduced R-134a capacity and no subsequent drop in demand (initially) price is bound to go up. By the way, if you follow such things, the "Old Farmers Almanac" is predicting a HOT summer.


Also, beware of "unbrand" chinese R-134a - unless you have an identifier to check it - lots of "sunstitute chemicals" being added to make up 30 lbs of "refrigerant".

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