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Airport Security


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/puts on flame suit












Excluding the 9/11 atrocities fewer than 500 people died in the U.S. from terrorist attacks between 1970 and 2010. There has been 39 terror plots foiled since Sept 2010. Of all of these 23 might plausibly have resulted in terror attacks of one sort or another. Making the huge assumption that all 23 plausible plots would have succeeded in killing an average of 100 Americans each, that means that 2,300 would have died in the last 10 years, or about 230 per year. Even at this higher rate, your chances of dying in a terrorist attack would be about 1 in 1.7 million.


Now explain to me again why college dropouts are allowed to violate our rights at the airport ?


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trowa its cause we got people like the shoe bombers and the fruit of kaboom bomber. i don't like it anymore than you do. guess its a small price to pay to fly the friendly skies.


now, if you woulda made a little troll thread about the FBI creating a web crawler on social media outlets, looking for keywords, id be with you. but this feeble attempt is obvious.


3/10 - creativity

2/10 - growth potential

4/10 - total score (6/10 on the trowa curve)

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The thing is, the TSA did nothing to foil those 23 attacks. They either failed to do their job by allowing the bombs to get on the planes, where the terrorists were stopped by passengers (as will always happen in a post-9/11 world), or the plots were stopped by our intelligence agencies before the terrorists had a chance to board the planes in the first place. Which is how it should be.


The TSA is a pointless display of security theater, and we can arrive at this conclusion without having to get into the unpleasant business of putting a value on American lives.

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The TSA is a pointless display of security theater


Holy shit I agree with greg on something. The illusion of security is the American way. Write your congressman? The .gov isn't real eager to give up power and control of something but the TSA needs to dissolve.

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Holy shit I agree with greg on something. The illusion of security is the American way. Write your congressman? The .gov isn't real eager to give up power and control of something but the TSA needs to dissolve.


It's a lose-lose proposition for politicians. If they dissolve the TSA and something happens, then it's their fault for dissolving the TSA, even though the TSA probably wouldn't have done shit to stop it anyway.


What amazes me is that last summer (i think) when there was all that "don't grope me bro" public outcry against the TSA for giving us the choice of getting hand-raped or cancerized, nothing happened on capitol hill. I thought for sure that it would at least get scaled back, since the public will was there and everyone was going on about cutting the budget. It would have been a no-brainer. "We've saved money and we'll stop groping your children!" Sadly, I think the mood has passed and now we're stuck with the TSA forever.

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Airports can contract to private security companies if they want.


I didn't want to say this but you already did. I always felt this way. The airport is a private company not a government facility. Even worse is how security is in other countries. Last out of country airport I left you went through customs with the same two questions coming into the country, where are you coming/going, and what are you doing? Move along sir. There was no "tsa checkpoint" you just go to the gate where your plane is. Every gate has an X-Ray machine for your carry-ons and for your body. Everyone gets the same treatment. Ask a few normal questions about your luggage, where were you, why, where are you going, then go through the cancer x-ray machine. Last time I forgot to remove my beanie hat from my back pocket and it picked that up. They showed me the screen which was a basic outline of a human with a square over my pocket. The airport employee asked me if I forgot to remove something. I showed them my hat and said I was sorry I forgot to remove it. They told me no problem and let me get on the plane. No random searches in the checkpoint and also no 2nd random searches before you board the plane.


This would never happen in the USA.

Edited by 87GT
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The TSA is attacking CR databse! Run!


That's basically how the border crossing used to be, "who are you, where are you going and why, how long are you going there?" type stuff. More effective to have someone sharp and keen actually talking to people instead of a brain-slug just going through the motions. I'd like to see something like that in airports.

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its just more jobs in a poor economy, though it was created before the stock market crash, its still jobs for people, I'm not mad about it, then again, I don't fly


Tell us again how make-work jobs for uneducated people funded by the working class are a good thing.


Then tell us about how it doesn't affect you.


Fuckin' douche.

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Without getting into too much detail, I think to some degree the U.S. need to examine and adopt parts of Israeli airport security. It all starts the same way as traffic stops in the U.S. do:


Officer: "Good morning, where are you coming from and where are you going?"


Basic first level of security not even remotely observed by the TSA.

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Officer: "Good morning, where are you coming from and where are you going?"


Basic first level of security not even remotely observed by the TSA.


They used to do that, don't you remember?


Did you pack your bags yourself? Did anyone give you anything to carry? Have your bags been in your possession the whole time?


Rumor was that we got the idea from Israel, designed in part to identify suspicious behavior. I don't know if that's true, but the questions were pointless and didn't do any good, so they dropped them. As anyone who ever smuggled booze across the Canadian border knows, the idea that trained experts can fish out suspicious behavior with a series of dull questions is a bit of Jack Bauer wishful thinking.

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They already monitor passengers for suspicious behavior passively.


Who's they? The same highly trained TSA experts that everyone's raving about in this thread?


Color me unimpressed. As far as I'm concerned, if a terrorist walks into an airport with a weapon and an intent to cause havoc, our national security infrastructure has already failed. The odds of stopping them from executing their plan at that point are pretty small, unless they're retarded (like the shoe bomber, or the underwear bomber). We're all extremely lucky that our enemies are largely retarded. Just like the TSA.

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Tell us again how make-work jobs for uneducated people funded by the working class are a good thing.


Then tell us about how it doesn't affect you.


Fuckin' douche.


+1, government doesn't create jobs.


Without getting into too much detail, I think to some degree the U.S. need to examine and adopt parts of Israeli airport security. It all starts the same way as traffic stops in the U.S. do:


Officer: "Good morning, where are you coming from and where are you going?"



That would probably be condemned as racist or some other bullshit. Wait for the ACLU, NAACP, PETA, KKK, etc to sound the horn.

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Who's they? The same highly trained TSA experts that everyone's raving about in this thread?


Color me unimpressed. As far as I'm concerned, if a terrorist walks into an airport with a weapon and an intent to cause havoc, our national security infrastructure has already failed. The odds of stopping them from executing their plan at that point are pretty small, unless they're retarded (like the shoe bomber, or the underwear bomber). We're all extremely lucky that our enemies are largely retarded. Just like the TSA.


He's referring to the Israelis. They have a much more profiling-based system (a big no-no in the U.S.). Its impossible to tell if someone's going to attack based on the color of their skin in Israel, as you have many Arab Jews and Christians as well as Arab Muslims.


The point of the questions is not to get answers, its to implant doubt and fear into terrorists. If they have to go through many layers of security, having answers to many questions, all while knowing their answers, actions, and appearances are being monitored, its enough to make someone nervous. That nervousness breeds mistakes, which is just what their security is based on.


I largely agree with you that the TSA is retarded. It assumes that terrorists are going to use water bottles hidden in elderly folks' wheelchairs and shoe bombs on 4 year olds. Their method is to spread the fear around so everyone is on edge, waiting to react. The Israeli method is to make innocent people not think about security and suspicious people terrified of it. You give me a room of 100 people, 5 of whom feel extremely uncomfortable and it shouldn't be too hard to identify those 5. But if you give me a room of 100 people where everyone's on edge and 5 people are on edge and suspicious, its much harder to identify them.

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Tell us again how make-work jobs for uneducated people funded by the working class are a good thing.


Then tell us about how it doesn't affect you.


Fuckin' douche.


tell ya what, next time your out of a job and there isnt any around dont go askin the government for help, just sayin there is people that need jobs, and there are government jobs that do even less and get paid more than the tsa, you wanna bitch about our government money goin to pointless jobs, why not bitch about all the people abusing unemployment and welfare, at least the people are workin for the money in government jobs. besides even if my taxes werent paying those people, i would be paying just as much in taxes.

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tell ya what, next time your out of a job and there isnt any around dont go askin the government for help, just sayin there is people that need jobs, and there are government jobs that do even less and get paid more than the tsa, you wanna bitch about our government money goin to pointless jobs, why not bitch about all the people abusing unemployment and welfare, at least the people are workin for the money in government jobs. besides even if my taxes werent paying those people, i would be paying just as much in taxes.


In for ensuing beatdown...

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