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Airport Security


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didnt say the tsa wasnt retarded, either way though there are people earning theyre money instead of sitting at home living off my tax dollars, id rather someone earn it rather than sit on theyre ass and collect, no matter how dumb the job may be. and again, i rarely fly, so the tsa doesnt much bother me, just an opinion, one i am entitled to

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tell ya what, next time your out of a job and there isnt any around dont go askin the government for help, just sayin there is people that need jobs, and there are government jobs that do even less and get paid more than the tsa, you wanna bitch about our government money goin to pointless jobs, why not bitch about all the people abusing unemployment and welfare, at least the people are workin for the money in government jobs. besides even if my taxes werent paying those people, i would be paying just as much in taxes.




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tell ya what, next time your out of a job and there isnt any around dont go askin the government for help, just sayin there is people that need jobs, and there are government jobs that do even less and get paid more than the tsa, you wanna bitch about our government money goin to pointless jobs, why not bitch about all the people abusing unemployment and welfare, at least the people are workin for the money in government jobs. besides even if my taxes werent paying those people, i would be paying just as much in taxes.























































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sorry jones, didn't have enough time to organize my thoughts, I only get 20 mins for lunch, basically what I was tryin to say is that if someone is going to be collecting my tax dollars, id rather them have some sort of job rather than just sit on they're lazy ass at home and get paid, no matter how useless the job may be, at least it has someone earning money rather than simply receiving it
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I didn't read most of this thread but here is my take on it:


The TSA, and most "security" systems that are apparent to the public aren't really about safety, as much as they are about the perception of safety. Joe and Jane Schmoe feel all warm and fuzzy about traveling, spending, and investing because they SEE the efforts put forth to keep them safe and keep the world as they know it harmonious.

The stuff that REALLY keeps us safe, we don't even know is goin on.

Perception is reality and money makes the world go round.

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tell ya what, next time your out of a job and there isnt any around dont go askin the government for help, just sayin there is people that need jobs, and there are government jobs that do even less and get paid more than the tsa, you wanna bitch about our government money goin to pointless jobs, why not bitch about all the people abusing unemployment and welfare, at least the people are workin for the money in government jobs. besides even if my taxes werent paying those people, i would be paying just as much in taxes.


That is what I was complaining about, you fucking retard. I said make-work jobs funded by the middle class.


You need to defend your original statement about how creating these jobs is a good thing for our economy, while in a recession. Let's focus on that. Then we can talk about your opinion on what your tax dollars go toward. We can also talk about what your tax liability is and how much of a right I feel you have to complain about where it goes. I have a feeling you know very little about this argument, but you don't hesitate to throw in a comment. Don't do that.

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Who's they? The same highly trained TSA experts that everyone's raving about in this thread?


No they are not TSA officers but they exist in airports in the USA. I can't say anything more on this subject.


I have flown 5 times since 9/11, never had a single issue or delay.


I have flown more then 5 times and have not had any issues. Still you shouldn't just give away your rights just for the sake of "feeling safe".


I am just tired of reading how TSA agents abuse their power. They are government employees not law enforcement officers. Example, detaining people for no reason, putting people on no fly lists, stealing items for carry-ons. I could go on.

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I'm so tired of hearing people whine about "ZOMG MY RIGHTS". You don't have the right to fly, if you don't like it, fucking walk. Sure, it's slightly inconvenient to have to go through security, but if you know what the fuck you're doing, and you leave your studded belt and piercings in your luggage, don't wear 2000 layers of clothing and bring 700 carry on items, then you will have no problems.


I can't count how many times I've flown since and before 9/11 and I've never, ever had a problem. We're talking domestic and internationally. If you've had problems, you're a moron, and you did something wrong...or the TSA employee could have been a moron too, but that will happen no matter where or what. Only people I ever see have/cause problems through security are people who don't know how to go through security. I don't hear you people bitching about security checks at sporting events. Whinny bitches.

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I was in Atlanta airport over new years where a guy fell over backwards right in front of me, he had a heart attack or something. Paramedics came shortly, were beating the shit out of his chest and doing whatever it is they do. Finally they got him on a cart and wheeled him past me to an ambulance that was waiting at one of the gates. Dude was all blue, and I'm guessing dead...now that's a bad day at the airport.



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I'm so tired of hearing people whine about "ZOMG MY RIGHTS". You don't have the right to fly, if you don't like it, fucking walk. Sure, it's slightly inconvenient to have to go through security, but if you know what the fuck you're doing, and you leave your studded belt and piercings in your luggage, don't wear 2000 layers of clothing and bring 700 carry on items, then you will have no problems.


I can't count how many times I've flown since and before 9/11 and I've never, ever had a problem. We're talking domestic and internationally. If you've had problems, you're a moron, and you did something wrong...or the TSA employee could have been a moron too, but that will happen no matter where or what. Only people I ever see have/cause problems through security are people who don't know how to go through security. I don't hear you people bitching about security checks at sporting events. Whinny bitches.


A+ diatribe

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I'm so tired of hearing people whine about "ZOMG MY RIGHTS". You don't have the right to fly, if you don't like it, fucking walk. Sure, it's slightly inconvenient to have to go through security, but if you know what the fuck you're doing, and you leave your studded belt and piercings in your luggage, don't wear 2000 layers of clothing and bring 700 carry on items, then you will have no problems.


I can't count how many times I've flown since and before 9/11 and I've never, ever had a problem. We're talking domestic and internationally. If you've had problems, you're a moron, and you did something wrong...or the TSA employee could have been a moron too, but that will happen no matter where or what. Only people I ever see have/cause problems through security are people who don't know how to go through security. I don't hear you people bitching about security checks at sporting events. Whinny bitches.


Took the words right out of my mouth. Couldn't have said it better

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I guess some of you in this thread are okay with the "No Fly" list. There are a few people on there the list that are retired US Army, Airforce, Marines, and other legal citizens of America. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion in this country and if you feel this is okay then good for you. I will never feel it is okay to deprive people of their right to travel without any notice or opportunity to object. That is unfair and unconstitutional.


People that want to argue about "right to fly" are silly. True there is no right to travel documented in this country but it is freedom we have. I feel it should be a right. Currently you don't need a passport to travel from one state to another. Maybe you think we should ???

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I guess some of you in this thread are okay with the "No Fly" list. There are a few people on there the list that are retired US Army, Airforce, Marines, and other legal citizens of America. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion in this country and if you feel this is okay then good for you. I will never feel it is okay to deprive people of their right to travel without any notice or opportunity to object. That is unfair and unconstitutional.


People that want to argue about "right to fly" are silly. True there is no right to travel documented in this country but it is freedom we have. I feel it should be a right. Currently you don't need a passport to travel from one state to another. Maybe you think we should ???


I think you should require a passport to speak on this forum.

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See? That dude gave up the SECURITY of the plantation for the FREEDOM of not being a slave, and in the end, he probably got neither. :gabe:


Such would be Archie's America

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That is what I was complaining about, you fucking retard. I said make-work jobs funded by the middle class.


You need to defend your original statement about how creating these jobs is a good thing for our economy, while in a recession. Let's focus on that. Then we can talk about your opinion on what your tax dollars go toward. We can also talk about what your tax liability is and how much of a right I feel you have to complain about where it goes. I have a feeling you know very little about this argument, but you don't hesitate to throw in a comment. Don't do that.


ok, to my original point, any job in a poor economy is a good thing, the tsa happens to be government funded therefore our tax dollars go to pay theyre wages, in that respect i would much rather someone have a job to make the money than for someone to just sit at home and collect welfare, not that i dont mind my tax dollars going to someone who is truely in need (like what the welfare program was designed to be) however i dont like my tax dollars going to someone who doesnt try to earn it. so to defend how creating these jobs is good for the economy, someone who has a job will spend more money in this economy than someone who has no job, if you wanna look at it from a different perspective, look at what F.D.R. did in the thirtys to bring the economy out of a recession, he offered a job to anyone who wanted one (and thats how our interstate system was born).

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