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V8 Beast

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I was thinking it would be nice to meet up somewhere that we could shoot and see/use each others guns. Now that I'm over a few years removed from noob status with plenty of range time hopefully people would feel safe shooting around me lol... that's the only reason I never tried to set it up before.
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Setup a CR bowling pin shoot. Do the timing, make it a fun and safe competition.


This, make it fun.


once it warms up, I might be willing to host some people coming up and doing some shooting...


Sounds like a plan!

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He told me about you coming out in full blown rambo attire for target practice


I have no clue what you're talking about...




[chrisfarley]Fat guy in a little vest![/chrisfarley]


Yeah...I'm a big fat dork, but I'm ok with that because I'm a big fat dork with big fat guns. :) We clown. We have fun. We shoot things.


Dunno if you guys will be able to see this vid a friend of mine took and posted on her FB a couple of years ago while shooting out at g-pas.


Clicky and hope she doesn't have her FB on lock down.

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I have no clue what you're talking about...




[chrisfarley]Fat guy in a little vest![/chrisfarley]


Yeah...I'm a big fat dork, but I'm ok with that because I'm a big fat dork with big fat guns. :) We clown. We have fun. We shoot things.


Dunno if you guys will be able to see this vid a friend of mine took and posted on her FB a couple of years ago while shooting out at g-pas.


Clicky and hope she doesn't have her FB on lock down.


mmmm muffins

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Setup a CR bowling pin shoot. Do the timing, make it a fun and safe competition.


How expensive are they to buy? Anyone got contacts at an bowlorama anywhere? I could cut up some would and split it if you want something bowling-pin sized but much cheaper.

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How expensive are they to buy? Anyone got contacts at an bowlorama anywhere? I could cut up some would and split it if you want something bowling-pin sized but much cheaper.


I don't know how much they cost. Most guys seem to get them from bowling alleys when they're being replaced. I'm sure if this became more than an idea, someone could call and figure something out.


If I knew what wood would handle the shooting, I could turn some on my lathe I guess.

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I don't know how much they cost. Most guys seem to get them from bowling alleys when they're being replaced. I'm sure if this became more than an idea, someone could call and figure something out.


If I knew what wood would handle the shooting, I could turn some on my lathe I guess.


I could easily get an assortment of maple, hickory, oak, and ash to experiment on. Standing dead or live cut.

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